Lucky Charms' New Cereal Brings Sparkle To The Breakfast Table

If you were to ask any kid you know what their favorite part of Lucky Charms is, you'd probably get one resounding answer: marshmallows. In a world where food brands do everything they can to convince parents that their cereals are healthy and packed full of vitamins, the folks at General Mills don't play coy like that. They know what the people want: sugar. 


Back in 2020, Lucky Charms introduced "Just Magical Marshmallows," a bag full of those colorful dehydrated little clumps of gelatin and sugar without any of the cereal. While the bags of marshmallows didn't last too long — could their sheer popularity have caused Big Cereal to collapse?  — General Mills hasn't stopped rolling out new varieties of Lucky Charms to cater to the general public.

The particular reason why General Mills focuses so much on marshmallows (aside from folks finding them delicious) is that they carry a special meaning. In a 2008 press release, the food manufacturer explained that colorful bits of sweetness symbolize Lucky the Leprechaun's many powers, such as the ability to control time with the hourglass charm or fly with shooting stars. Now, it could be that Lucky needed some extra help in his cereal-based adventures, so Lucky Charms is adding yet another "magical" item to its marshmallow collection for a limited time.


Lucky Charm's Magic Gems come with a serving of lore

If you felt that your bowl of Lucky Charms didn't have enough marshmallows in it, General Mills has heard your concern. For a limited time only at retailers nationwide, you can purchase Lucky Charms with "Magic Gems," which resemble large white gemstones covered in bright, colorful sugar. According to Foodbeast, these Magic Gems aren't just there for taste; they're also key to helping Lucky find his way "through the darkest of places." The backstory of the symbolic marshmallows reads, "Magic Gems have been stowed away in the goblin den for centuries and hold the power of rainbow vision to see in the dark." (What "goblin den" this tale refers to is unknown, as there is no evidence that Lucky ever encountered little green bandits or orcs in his cereal-fueled adventures.)


This isn't the first update to the Lucky Charms cereal collection or its supposed "magic" properties in recent years. For St. Patrick's Day of this year, Lucky Charms released a limited-edition cereal that not only was full of marshmallow clovers but also turned your cereal milk green. While this magical quality was intentional, the brand apparently cast some accidental spells when Lucky Charms was investigated by the FDA for apparently causing gastrointestinal issues in customers back in April.

