Trader Joe's Shoppers Are Wondering How 'Simple' Its Plant-Based Eggs Really Are

With more people exploring vegan and plant-based diets than ever before, it's no surprise that more and more companies are looking to meet the increased demand by developing new plant-based products and vegan substitutes. One item that innovative food companies have been trying to crack in recent years has been the development of the perfect plant-based egg. While eggs are inherently an animal product, some companies have been experimenting with egg-like alternatives made from ingredients like mung beans, soy, peas, and chickpeas, according to Green Queen.


In recent years, companies like Just Egg, Crackd, Vegg, and VeganEgg have all released their own version of a vegan egg. And now, Trader Joe's is getting in on the plant-based egg action. Simply Eggless liquid egg substitute is now selling there for $4.99, and some shoppers took to Instagram to share the news of the item's arrival. "Simply Eggless! Plant based egg. So glad it's finally here. I've been waiting for this new item," @traderjoesaficionado wrote. "Will you be trying?" However, for many of their followers, the answer was a resounding no.

Many shoppers were disappointed by all the added ingredients in Simply Eggless

"I'm out on sunflower oil! Rather make a tofu scramble or make a chickpea scramble. Why add in all the BS?!!" @ms.nicolebleu wrote in the comment section of @traderjoesaficionado's Instagram post about a vegan egg product at Trader Joe's. More than a few people echoed the same sentiment, lamenting the fact that the plant-based egg still contained many unnecessary added ingredients. The product, which is called Simply Eggless, is vegan and free from egg, dairy, gluten, soy, and tree nuts. However, many shoppers were disappointed to learn that the product also contains quite a few additives, including lupin protein concentrate, sunflower oil, calcium lactate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, xanthan gum, and the preservative nisin (via Simply Brand Foods).


One user called the egg substitute "full of processed garbage" and another agreed "'Simply' full of thanks." "Why the heck is all that stuff in it?" wondered @bisquit9, while other users simply called it "poison," "so bad," and "a joke." Others had complaints, not based just on the ingredients, but on the flavor and quality as well. "It was so bad when I tried it," shared @sspace_invader. "I heard from so many people to pass on this because it just wasn't good. The texture, the taste, nu-uh," wrote another follower. So based on these social media responses, it certainly doesn't seem that this vegan egg alternative at Trader Joe's will be replacing regular eggs anytime soon.

