The Celebrity Who Considers Rachael Ray A 'Food Inspiration'

There are different reasons someone might consider Rachael Ray "inspirational." In a piece for People that the Food Network star recounts heading to Ukraine and Poland with the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), in order to be of service to those affected by the war with Russia. After documenting her time in an orphanage in Lviv, and bringing over the first-aid kits that were bound for the front lines of battle in Ukraine, the famed foodie explained that while her celebrity status and chosen profession "afforded [her] the luxury of being there in person" to help, she believes that "with heart and soul, anyone can change the world tomorrow."


And, as if that wasn't inspirational enough, fans of Ray will recognize that this philanthropic work is on the heels of her own personal challenges: losing the home she shares with husband John Cusimano in a 2020 fire was the beginning of a string of tragedies that included saying goodbye to her dog, Isaboo. So, when someone with a few years of heartache under her belt trades her cook's hat for worker gloves and a ticket to war-torn Ukraine, people pay attention. But Ray isn't just an inspiration for those who wish to make the world a better place – she also provides "food inspiration" to many and one celebrity fan in particular ...

Rachael Ray and Cameron Diaz enter the Mutual Appreciation Society

When Cameron Diaz sat down with Goop, Gwenyth Paltrow's health and wellness empire, it was ostensibly to discuss her then newly published book, "The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time." But if you talk to Diaz long enough about health, the conversation will inevitably turn to food. "Cameron Diaz is the definition of an unstudied good cook," Goop says by way of introduction; and indeed, the actor's response to the desert island question — as in, what five foods would you bring to a desert island with you, to live on forever — was evidence of her thoughtful approach to food. "An avocado tree, an olive tree, a lemon tree, a hen, and a rooster," Diaz answered. "I would make salt from the ocean I'm presumably surrounded by."


When someone who's that whip-smart gives you her list of food inspirations, you might want to grab a pen. "Gwenyth Paltrow, Donna Hay, Rachael Ray, @oilandsalt, and my mom," said Diaz, when asked about who inspires her in the kitchen. Which is probably why the actor has popped up on "The Rachael Ray Show" more than once. "You are so wonderful, I love coming to speak with you," Diaz gushed in one appearance. "It changed my life mentally and physically," Ray said to Diaz about her book. Sounds like the inspiration is mutual.

