The Unexpected Way To Neutralize Spicy Foods

For some, spicy food can be a truly delightful treat on the taste buds, if not a little overwhelming for both the tongue and stomach. The thrillseekers in us enjoy spicy food for the serotonin boost and endorphin push, but others aren't big fans of the pain it brings along with it. Despite the many benefits spicy foods can bring, like heightened immunity and metabolism, most spicy food also contains some sort of peppers which in turn usually involve some kind of heat-inducing capsaicin.


Many believe that when capsaicin brings the heat, they have the best cure to maintain the burn. According to Houston Methodist, carbs, acidic drinks, milk, and other dairy products like sour cream are often solutions. Some guests on "Hot Ones" also recommend trying a twist like Andrew Zimmern's solvent of choice, chocolate milk, or Tom Holland's suggestion, lemons. While many have found their own cures, there is one that is lesser-known but highly effective.

PB&J fans can handle the heat

Milk may be the cure of choice for those who like to bring a little heat to the dinner table, but for those who are lactose intolerant especially, they may want to think about a side of peanut butter and jelly with their next spicy meal instead. Peanut butter tends to coat your tongue, so much so that it takes a while to be able to talk or swallow after a spoonful, per Eat This, Not That! This makes peanut butter the perfect solution to capsaicin which according to the National Peanut Board, "dissolves in fat and oil, not water."


In addition to coating the tongue long enough to neutralize capsaicin, for those not allergic, peanut butter offers an alternate lactose-free, plant-based, and shelf-stable choice. In a moderate amount, it's also a healthy choice for those watching their figure, boasting high protein and healthy fats. So the next time you are enacting your own version of the "Hot Ones" Challenge, try reaching for the jar of peanut butter instead of milk and see if it helps.

