The Burger King Ad Inspired By People Who Don't Know The Menu

Burger King certainly puts a lot of effort into its advertising campaigns. From iconic to downright weird, the fast food company has produced loads of original marketing stunts over the years that could make it royalty in the publicity world.


But has this focus on boosting the Burger King brand been a success? Not overwhelmingly, according to reports. Recent YouGovAmerica data shows that the burger chain is only the 15th most popular American dining brand, behind the likes of Subway, Chick-fil-A, and Wendy's. Elsewhere, QSR reports the dissatisfaction of the CEO of Burger King's parent company, Restaurant Brands International, in Burger King's 2021 financial results, and that the firm is being affected by disappointing sales and rising costs.

As a result, a project to rejuvenate Burger King is taking place — including transforming its menu to make it easier to understand for customers and simpler for employees to make meals, as well as focusing on its legendary Whopper burger. To that end, It's Nice That details how Burger King has invested in an unusual ad campaign that showcases how people actually know very little about its products apart from the famous Whopper.


Consumers struggle to recognize many Burger King meals

According to Marketing Week, a $400 million dollar fund for responsibilities including communications, media, and marketing is available to aid Burger King's publicity endeavors, with It's Nice That explaining that the company is seeking to boost the reputation of its Whopper burger by jokingly casting aside its other burger options.


The strange tactic is based on research showing that while 85% of Burger King survey respondents correctly identified a picture of a Whopper, only 3% were able to accurately name two other burgers from the menu. Incorrect suggestions from around the world included "Megawhoppa Cheese," "German burger," and "Potato Sandwich Burger." "Huge Whopping Burger" and "Fishy Wishy" were other names offered.

The Swedish-led advertising campaign is called "All About The Whopper," Creative Bloq reports, and is designed to drive attention toward Burger King's flagship menu item. Billboard advertisements have been erected of survey participants' written responses, with one showing a correctly named Whopper alongside two other burgers labeled, "sorry." Marketing Week reports that Burger King intends to axe unsuccessful menu items and refocus its commercials on the Whopper (which is believed to have a brand value worth billions).


