The Ingredient Swap That Will Majorly Upgrade Your Canned Corn

Ah, the mysteries of canned corn. It's everyone's favorite kernel vegetable but in a can! Granted, canned corn sometimes doesn't get the most welcome of receptions in the public eye. David Lynch's '90s TV series "Twin Peaks" portrays canned creamed corn as "garmonbozia" — the physical manifestation of human pain and suffering eaten by malevolent otherworldly spirits. A harsh light to be portrayed in, no doubt.


But for the sneers and disgusted reactions canned corn can get, it's not to say that this pantry staple isn't without its positives. 44% of people in a survey on canned vegetables had a soft spot for canned corn. This corn is also rich in vitamins B and C, as well as a wide variety of antioxidants (via LiveStrong). There's also a wide variety of recipes one can make using canned corn, such as corn fritters, cornbread, corn muffins, and yes, even corn salad.

But on its own, canned corn is simply that: corn in a can. Unless you really love the taste of corn, chances are you'll find yourself sick of the taste if you ate a lot of it. You'd instead want a way to dress it up somehow. As it would seem, you don't need anything fancy to give your can of corn a bit extra flavor.


You can add Cajun spices and honey to canned corn

According to Feast and Farm, canned corn is very versatile when it comes to the addition of certain spices and add-ins. These additions can range from "a dash of Cajun seasoning" to "diced fresh jalapenos" and, should you have canned corn that isn't sweet, "a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and honey." Southern Home Express also suggests a handful of additions to mix into your canned corn. These include but are not limited to chili powder, brown butter, a variety of cheeses ranging from cream cheese to parmesan, and even chicken or beef broth.


If you have canned creamed corn, you may want to find yourself trying not just to improve the flavor but also to make it thicker. A few simple tricks to thicken up your creamed corn include the addition of cream cheese or cornstarch to help prevent watery or "soupy" creamed corn.

It's important to remember that canned corn in any style is open to experimentation, so you can add whatever sort of ingredients you like that suit your own personal tastes. You can choose from heat, sweet, or savory — and, just so long as you enjoy them, any extra ingredients will be a good fit.

