The 104-Year-Old Aldi Grandma Who Made Reddit Smile

Proving you're never too old to get out for a bit of shopping, one Reddit user's 104-year-old grandmother recently stocked up on a trip to Aldi, and this lady absolutely made Reddit's day. We don't know this senior queen's name, but the original poster u/Strange_Opinion736, who shared a photo of their grandmother using a wheelchair equipped with a shopping basket to collect her Aldi finds, calls her "Gma" in the r/aldi Subreddit, so we will too.


Do you realize how long ago 104 years is from a cultural standpoint? A really long time. In 1917, the year of this Aldi grandma's birth, there were more cars than horses on the streets of New York City for the first time. It was also the year the U.S. saw its first pandemic, the Great Influenza or "Spanish Flu." The U.S. entered World War I that year, siding with the Russians (among others), who were still ruled by a czar. A czar! The average American earned about $700 year. You could buy a new house for just (are you sitting down, millennials?) $3,300. The price of groceries were also shockingly low, at least by today's standards: A loaf of bread? Seven cents. Steak? Just 26 cents a pound.

While Aldi can't touch 1917 prices, Gma seems satisfied with her basket of goodies, which included plenty of fresh fruits, Crispy Oats cereal, flavored water, and some of the chain's Simply Nature Organic Coffee from Mexico.


Grandma's philosophy is treat yourself

As always, Reddit had thoughts on this 104-year-old's trip to Aldi. Reflecting the general consensus, Lotuseater428 wrote, "Love it! My grandma recently went grocery shopping in person for the first time since March 2020 and we took a similar pic." "Grandma needs some Aldi swag," noted NickDanger73. 


With appreciation for Gma's well-equipped wheels, Imsakidd wrote, "She doesn't even need a quarter!!" (The coin needed to borrow a cart at Aldi.) MrD3a7h thought the centenarian's ride deserved some "sick flame decals," but Dankfor20 believed she brought plenty of style with her "matching hat, coat, and those sweet kicks!"

We can't tell if Historical-Trash was judging or just being cheeky, commenting, "Ohhh, I see she drinks artificially-sweetened Frost (flavored water) and is still among the living! Raise a bottle to Grandma!" To this, the OP revealed that Gma also "has a straight coke every single day!"

This wasn't the first time u/Strange_Opinion736 shared their grandmother's trip to Aldi. Previously, Gma was photographed getting whole wheat bread, bananas, and grapes, leading us to wonder if a good diet helped Gma reach her 104th birthday. When asked what their grandma's secret to a long life is, the OP revealed, "We went to get the Beer Battered Fish and steak fries! I've asked her the secret to a long life and she's claimes (sic) 'do what you want and if it's illegal, don't get caught!'" Yeah, no wonder Reddit loves this lady.


