The Mysterious Reason In-N-Out Once Closed All Its Texas Locations For 2 Days

In-N-Out Burger is a long-time fast food treasure and with good reason. While there's plenty of debate when it comes to the absolute best burger in the U.S., fans of the Double-Double hold their ground. Much like a beloved hometown sports team, many stand by their local burger chain. The East Coast favors Five Guys, while Culver's and Whataburger lovers unite in between, and In-N-Out fans dominate the West coast according to data from Ranker. 


The fast casual burger joint has a history as rich as their Animal Style Fries. Per its website, dating back to 1948, In-N-Out has managed to remain a top burger choice, gaining a cult following of devoted fanatics over the years. As a family-run company to this day, the Snyder's are always proud to share that they lead with quality in the kitchen above all else. As their slogan reminds everyone, "Quality you can taste." The company's dedication to quality is no joke. It was showcased back in 2018 when they opted to close all 37 Texas locations due to a baking mishap (via INC.).

For the love of hamburger buns

The statewide closure wasn't due to a safety or health concern, it was simply hamburger bun standards. Considering In-N-Out's anti-microwave agenda and dedication to fresh, high-quality ingredients, they had to take the inferior bun fiasco seriously. They'd rather close — and lose two days' worth of profit — than serve a less than perfect bun. After all, every part of an In-N-Out burger is what makes them so delicious, right?


On that fateful day in all of Texas, In-N-Out regulars drove up only to be disappointed by a closed sign. Naturally, customers expected the worst, and rumors started to fly. Putting rumors to rest, INC. shared the executive vice president Bob Lang Jr.'s explanation, "At In-N-Out Burgers, we have always served the highest quality food with no compromise. We recently discovered that our buns in Texas do not meet the quality standards that we demand. There was and are no food safety concerns. We decided to close all of our Texas stores until we are confident that we can serve our normal high quality bun." 

They originally claimed doors would only be closed for one day, but later updated NBCDFW that new adequate buns were expected the following day, keeping the details of the debacle a bit of a mystery. Disgruntled patrons, however, were probably quick to forgive In-N-Out as soon as they had their hands on that flawless, pillowy bun two days later.


