Trader Joe's Just Added A Decadent Ingredient To Its Barbecue Sauce

Trader Joe's is known for many things but its toppings and seasonings prowess is definitely high on the list. Most notably, people go gaga for the grocer's spices. In the past few years, its Everything But the Bagel seasoning sparked a frenzy so fiery hot that there were tons of people buying bulk amounts and reselling the reserves online, according to The Takeout. Similarly, the umami flavoring caused major excitement (per MyRecipes) upon its release, as did an Everything but Elote seasoning blend.


But it's not just the seasonings that are stirring up a buzz. TJ's sauces have caught the eyes of fans too, from Incredisauce to Tamarind to Spicy Truffle Pasta Sauce. Part of what makes Trader Joe's food items so beloved — so much so that some food items even have cult followings — is the company's embrace of quality and unique ingredients, and its avoidance of problematic additives like artificial flavors (via EatingWell). And on the flip side, the grocery store chain recently added a tantalizing and beloved new ingredient to its BBQ sauce to improve it.

The Trader Joe's BBQ truffle shuffle

In the past, Trader Joe's has launched some pretty out-there sauces, but sometimes, the best ideas are those that are sparked by public interest. And in this case, what they found the people wanted was truffles. Truffles are an umami-packed ingredient that releases people-pleasing pheromones, which is why many diners are so drawn to them. They're also seen as a high-class ingredient and are often used to "elevate" dishes, which is why truffles can be so expensive. Picking up on that appeal, Trader Joe's has capitalized on the flavor by creating a Truffle BBQ Sauce.


In a recent Instagram post from @traderjoeslist, it was revealed that this new Truffle BBQ Sauce is now on shelves for $3.49 per bottle. According to the Instagrammer, if this is anything like their Truffle Hot Sauce, they'll have a hit on their hands. And other fans are equally excited about the news, filling the comments section with exclamations like, "Can't wait to try!" One commenter who got their hands on a bottle wrote, "It's so good! I just got this today." What will Trader Joe's truffle up next?

