Instagram Is Drooling Over Whole Foods' Matzo Pizza

Whole Foods had fans pining for pizza recently with an Instagram post that turned plain sheets of matzo into summer pizza bliss. The company took to social media with mouthwatering shots of matzo oven-toasted crackers topped with an asparagus-spring herb mix, a Greek olive with feta blend, and a traditional marinara with cheese and basil.


A few commenters on the thread were hoping the grocery giant was promoting a new ready-made pizza option with one pronouncing "Ohhhhh you mean you'll have matzah pizza out at the pizza counter?!? I will def get that." However, a few quick calls to local stores like the friendly location in Fremont, California, and, alas, no matzo ready-mades. No matzo pizza in the frozen section either, although Whole Foods does offer an array of frozen pizzas from traditional to keto-friendly, like Cappello's Keto Cheese Pizza (via Whole Foods Market). The featured matzo pizzas were strictly make-your-own inspiration and Instagram followers are apparently game.

How you can make your own matzo pizza

Tackling a matzo pizza of your own starts with a minimalist attitude and an eye for quality ingredients. Candice Walker of Proportional Plate runs through a guide to making matzo pizza that is simple, requires only four ingredients, and includes a few tips for the novice. Aside from warning that matzo is a quick bake, to slice all ingredients thin, and pre-roast your matzo to avoid it getting mushy, Walker tells her thousands of @proportionalplate Instagram followers that matzo pizza is one of her favorite Passover snacks.


You can find a variety of matzo crackers, including the Manischewitz brand, at most Whole Foods Markets in-store or online, plus they offer organic options (per Whole Foods Market). Keep in mind that not all matzo is kosher guaranteed, so be sure to check your labels for "not kosher for Passover" warnings if you are planning your matzo pizza for Seder.

