The Free Item Wendy's Fans Can Get During National Foster Care Month

When you think of Wendy's, your mind might immediately jump to its famous Frosty, the spicy chicken sandwich, or the red-haired freckled face girl splashed all over your food containers, but chances are you don't revel over the non-profit charity associated with it.


The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption was founded in 1992, two years after the founder of Wendy's, Dave Thomas, became the spokesperson for a national adoption awareness campaign at the request of then-president George H.W. Bush. This cause became increasingly more important to Thomas, and he even testified in Congress in support of a tax credit for those who adopt. 

The Foundation's main purpose is to help every child in foster care become adopted, and it offers free resources concerning the adoption process. This foundation's hope, per its website, is that "every child will have a permanent home and loving family." 

Wendy's is helping create more awareness for the foundation and has partnered with other big companies to earn money supporting the overall goal of getting more kids adopted. Here's how you can help, and score a free menu item all through May, which also happens to be National Foster Care Month.


A free beverage to support a good cause

Wendy's is partnering with Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper for its National Foster Care month campaign. Anyone who makes a purchase through the Wendy's app will get a free drink of any size all through May (per Chew boom). To enjoy a free beverage, add the offer to any mobile order, or if you're dining in the fast food spot, just redeem it with the cashier.


This month-long promotion is available at participating Wendy's locations Nationwide and for each redemption, Coca-Cola and Dr Pepper will donate to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption (DTFA). The beverage companies have pledged to give up to $500,000 as a way to help the mission of getting even more children in North America's foster care system adopted.

Through the years, Wendy's has raised money for adoption awareness through a variety of campaigns. In 2019 there was a collab with Snapchat, called "support adoption in a Snap," in which, per the Washington Examiner, the same beverage companies donated $5 for each cup that was "snapped" and shared. There was also the Wendy's Frosty key tag promo in late 2020, which had customers buy a $2 keychain in exchange for a free Frosty every day for a year. The company donated 85% of the key chain profits to DTFA (per Wendy's).


If you're a fan of any Wendy's menu, make sure you have the app so you can redeem your free drink while contributing to a great cause this May.

