Read This Before Trying The Nordic Diet

You've probably heard a lot about the newest diets or the latest superfoods, even if you're not big into the whole multi-level fitness regimen crowd. Maybe you know someone who's on a gluten-free diet. A relative of yours just ditched a carb-free diet and is now on a keto-based diet. You may also have heard of someone trying out the "Nordic diet." 


While the Nordic diet may sound like it means eating what the ancient Vikings ate, the Cleveland Clinic describes the diet as composed of seasonal fruits, veggies, and grains that are packed with protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats (the ones you'd want in your system). This means a focus on seafood, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, similar to the diet of Nordic regions such as Sweden and Norway. To be more specific, you'll be eating foods such as oats, barley, cabbage, berries, salmon, mackerel, and beans. Not only is the diet good for its focus on high-quality carbs and antioxidants, but according to Harvard Medical School, it's also environmentally friendly. 

But before you jump headlong into a diet of salmon and berries, it's recommended to keep the following information in mind before you make any changes.


The Nordic diet differs a bit from the Mediterranean diet

Readers who have an interest in the latest health and dieting trends may have noticed that the Nordic diet sounds very similar to the Mediterranean diet. Indeed, the Mediterranean diet does indeed focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes (via Mayo Clinic) just as the Nordic diet does. However, while they may seem virtually identical at first glance, both diets differ in what you can and cannot eat.


The Mediterranean diet, based on the traditional cuisine of Greece, Italy, and other countries around the Mediterranean Sea, does not have as much a focus on seafood as the Nordic diet. Olive oil is also encouraged in the Mediterranean diet, while according to TODAY, the Nordic diet is composed of canola oils. TODAY also elaborates that red meat is not a high priority in the Mediterranean diet, while the Nordic diet does allow the eating of low-fat meats such as turkey, chicken, or venison (via Verywell Fit).

As for alcohol, the Mediterranean diet does permit a moderate amount of red wine while the Nordic diet seems to allow a small amount of beer to be drunk, though, via U.S. News, with a focus on drinking water between meals.


