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Ernest Hemingway's Favorite Sandwich Includes A Bizarre Combo

Ernest Hemingway is known as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, and perhaps of all time. Some of his most notable works include the novels "A Farewell to Arms," "The Sun Also Rises," "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and the Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Old Man and the Sea" — all of which have become legendary pieces of literature across generations. Widely considered an admirable icon among his peers and fans, he was known for his egocentric, witty, and often brash personality, per Lit Hub. A New Yorker profile on Hemingway written in May 1950, 11 years before his death, mentioned he "gets along fine with animals, sometimes better than with human beings." He was, after all, a skilled outdoorsman.


In addition to telling stories via the written word, Hemingway was also quite fond of food and drink. So, which variety was his favorite? You've probably heard of — and very well may love — the ever-classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But what about a PB&O? The "O" stands for an ingredient that some may find revolting, especially when paired with good old-fashioned peanut butter. Hemingway, however, couldn't get enough of it.

Ernest Hemingway ate peanut butter and onion sandwiches

Yes, you read that correctly. It's true: Peanut butter and onion sandwiches were an all-time favorite of Ernest Hemingway. In fact, this seemingly cringeworthy combination is mentioned in "Islands in the Stream," his posthumously-published novel, memorably referencing it as the "Mount Everest Special ... for commanders only," according to The Takeout. Over the years, people have whipped up the unorthodox sandwich only to realize the fusion of pungent onions and salty-sweet peanut butter isn't as foul as one may imagine. Jack Nank, the blogger behind Eat a Sandwich, taste-tested three different variations, admitting that his trials were "time well spent."


Ernest's love of onions was passed down from his father, Dr. Clarence Hemingway, who often said that "wild onions, stripped clean of clinging loam, made an excellent filling for sandwiches," according to The Washington Post. Apparently, this also included peanut butter sandwiches. The famously odd recipe is featured in "The Hemingway Cookbook" alongside dozens more meals and beverages Hemingway frequently consumed. Other go-to items from Hemingway's personal menu included freshly caught fish, game (including venison, elk, lamb, antelope, and even lion), oysters, raw vegetables, fruits, and wine. If you're ever daring enough to slather some onions and peanut butter on a couple of slices of bread and eat it, be sure to think of the one and only Ernie Hemingway.


