The CMO Of Freddy's Dishes On How Fast Food Restaurants Think Up New Items - Exclusive

Trying to think up a new product at a restaurant takes a ton of work. According to Chron, some eateries use competitive prices to drive business, others base new menu items around themes, and many draw inspiration from the changing seasons and the ingredients that become available over time. Once the item gets thought up, the businesses need to thoroughly test it, market it to the right audience, remain adaptable towards any changing market environments, and much more, per FSR Magazine.


These strategies can help any restaurant that intends to release a new meal, whether they exist as a large fast food chain, or a growing business. Freddy's has found new ways to introduce new items in a similar manner ever since the fast food chain opened its doors in 2002, according to the company's website. While getting a new sandwich or dessert into the hands of a customer may seem pretty straightforward once the ball gets rolling, thinking up new products requires different strategies. Mashed spoke with Laura Rueckel, the CMO of Freddy's, to learn exactly what it takes for a new fast food item to come to fruition and thrive.

The beginnings of a new product

"I would say it is balancing the idea and the execution," Rueckel said in an exclusive interview with Mashed. "I know that's very simple, but you can build some amazing products, you get these great ideas and, 'Oh, we can do [something] that's so on-trend.'" When it comes down to it, knowing exactly what trends to tap into can mean the difference between an item succeeding or flopping. This knowledge then gets utilized at every Freddy's location and the need to create a standardized product trumps many other factors.


"At the end of the day, you got to be able to source all of your ingredients," Rueckel continued. "You got to be able to get them en masse. In my case, I'm not just [one or two] restaurants. I got to be able to get them in 38 states across the country at a specific time, which is becoming more challenging these days." The search for new flavors and ideas never stop either, and Freddy's keeps searching for the next great product.

Freddy's built on this method to create an A1 Steakburger and custard float, which are now available at all Freddy's locations.

