Here's What A Common Breakfast Looks Like In Iceland

Breakfast can be a surprisingly controversial topic filled with varying debates about satisfying early morning food cravings. While on some occasions, choosing breakfast can be as straightforward as a bowl of cereal, on other days, particularly in a home filled with people, a morning meal mash-up may ensue. From toast to eggs to parfait, there are endless tasty food options to help kick-start the day.


When it comes to eating out, the Loveless Cafe of Nashville is a firm contender for providing the best breakfast in America, but there are plenty of other beloved options enjoyed across the country. According to Cinch, a popular American breakfast is biscuits and gravy, and other options include cheese and grits, bagels, and eggs. Smoothies might very well be on their way to the top of the breakfast list, too.

If you're looking to switch up your morning meal, take a look at the way Iceland does things. Being placed deep in the Atlantic Ocean, it's not exactly shocking that fish is a staple of Icelandic breakfasts. But, as we'll find out below, Iceland takes advantage of numerous tasty creations.


Healthy breakfasts are popular in Iceland

The health benefits of eating biscuits and gravy on a daily basis are questionable, which is probably why Icelanders choose more nutritional options to start their day. Iceland, in fact, is judged to be one of the world's healthiest countries, details Bloomberg.


Fish is a key ingredient in Icelandic breakfasts, specifically cod liver oil, which is known as the healthiest part of the fish. Known as Lysi, Reykjavik Auto explains that many take a shot of this oil each morning. Lysi is popular due to its impressive vitamin D and omega-3 content, which proves useful in a country that can go days without noticeable sunshine (via CNN Travel). 

The NHS reports that vitamin D is crucial for healthy bones, while the Harvard School of Public Health notes that omega-3 fatty acids are useful in tackling heart disease and high blood pressure.

Skyr, the yogurt alternative you need to know about, is another favorite breakfast food in Iceland. It's described by EatingWell as thicker and creamier than yogurt, but with more protein. Skyr is typically enjoyed with milk and berries, per Reykjavik Auto, which also notes that blueberries are a popular choice. 


If you're not a yogurt fan, you can always give oatmeal a try, Icelandic style of course. Known as hafragrautur, common additions to this morning meal are milk and brown sugar. It's particularly popular due to how filling it is and its high fiber content.

