TikTok Couldn't Believe Gordon Ramsay's Future Food Stars Fish Challenge

Gordon Ramsay kicked off 2022 with a new show, "Future Food Stars." According to Radio Times, this reality show cooking competition features 12 entrepreneurs hoping to make it big in the food industry, with personal businesses ranging from fruit spreads all the way to bottled beverages. The last one standing wins £150,000 (about $195,427 in American currency) toward their business.


Per the BBC, in the first episode of the series, the contestants face both individual and team challenges, as well as what could be considered a boss fight against Ramsay himself. The second episode features a challenge involving smoked salmon — and one particular scene with the salmon has gone viral.

We already know that Ramsay is extremely talented in the kitchen, but no one expected him to take the phrase "I could do it with my eyes closed" so literally. Needless to say, "Future Food Stars" contestants and viewers alike were impressed.

Gordon Ramsay really can cook with his eyes closed

After the second episode aired, Gordon Ramsay shared the salmon scene on TikTok. In the clip, he tells the contestants, "I've fileted these [salmon] so many times, I could almost do it with my eyes closed. In fact, I'm going to."


Ramsay goes on to sharpen his knives and filet a salmon, all while blindfolded. The contestants look on in stunned disbelief, but the comment section shows viewers to be less than speechless. One person wrote, "Bro is flexing more than anyone else did," while another said, "At this point he's just flexing... and. I. am. here. for. It." We couldn't agree more.

Others took the opportunity to crack jokes about the scene. One TikTok user commented, "This guy could become a professional chef." Someone else deadpanned, "I tried this. Lost my doctor's license." A third person said, "My granddad can do the same thing after a few beers with channel catfish."

Another summarized what we all may be thinking, "I can eat fish blindfolded. Does that count?" Not quite.


