The Real Reason National Beer Day Was Invented

Turning the calendar page usually means another reason to eat or drink because of a national food holiday, like National Chili Day for example. The exact history associated with these celebrations can be as cloudy as a hazy beer and with National Beer Day celebrated on April 7, some might be wondering why raising a pint or two is in order.


In 2009, Justin Smith gave a zythophile, AKA beer lover, an excuse to open another cold one. Smith wrote in a 2016 article that it was only when he realized there was not an actual day recognized to celebrate beer that he decided to do something about it. Smith admits that it was a friend of his from Liverpool, England, who convinced him to pursue getting National Beer Day on the Calendar.

As the idea grew on him, Smith decided that the day needed to have some significance, and he researched U.S. history to find a particular date that would resonate with the ability to enjoy a cold, refreshing libation. 

Why is National Beer Day celebrated on April 7?

According to National Today, April 7, 1933, was the day that the Cullen-Harrison Act was signed into law. As explained by Constitution Daily, Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Act which put beer legally back into the hands of all Americans. Since many people were longing for the cold draft, this act enabled them to get a beer as the Constitutional Amendment overturning Prohibition worked its way through the legal channels. Specifically, this law allowed consumers to purchase low-alcohol beers and wine.


Justin Smith explains this was the reason for the April 7 pick and according to the U.S. Census Government website, National Beer Day was recognized by Governor Terry McAuliffe in Virginia. Since its inception, the drinking celebration has grown in popularity, just like the variety of brews being poured from a tap. From popular beer brands offering discounts to a reason to leave work early for a happy hour libation, food holidays are always a reason to celebrate.

