The Truth About Ryan Fitzpatrick From Serving The Hamptons Season 1

Have you ever eaten at a fancy restaurant, noticed the camaraderie among the staff, and wondered what goes on off the clock? Well, now's your chance to find out, as Discovery Plus will soon be releasing a new TV reality show, "Serving the Hamptons." 


The five-episode docuseries follows the staff of 75 Main, one of the premier restaurants in Southampton, as they cook for and serve famous guests at the restaurant — including the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Bon Jovi, and the Kardashians. The reality show also details a few, well, let's just call them shenanigans for now, at the outrageously lavish beach house 75 Main owner Zach Erdem has put them up in for the summer (via Variety).

Courtney White, the president of Food Network and streaming food content at Discovery, Inc., is predicting "Serving the Hamptons" will be a big hit given the social interactions between the employees. "With one of the summer's hottest restaurants at the beach as the backdrop for 'Serving the Hamptons,' viewers will be captivated by the intriguing dynamics and relationships between the young, attractive staff that Zach has hired," White said (via Variety).


One of these young cast members is bartender Ryan Fitzpatrick, and his lack of social media makes us curious to learn more about him.

Meet Serving the Hamptons bartender Ryan Fitzpatrick

75 Main's bartender Ryan Fitzpatrick is a medical student hailing from New York City — and that's about all we could muster up on him (via Instagram). Fitzpatrick isn't featured too heavily in the show's trailer, nor is he mentioned in Variety's wrap-up of the first episode, causing us to think maybe he's more of the quiet and private type, but we're open to being proven wrong once the show airs.


Notably, however, Fitzpatrick did have something to say about the house rules Erdem put in place for the employees at the very beginning of the season, which includes "no hooking up, no drinking on the job, no big parties, and be on time for work." Fitzpatrick, as well as perhaps the rest of America, are pretty confident these rules won't last long. He states, "There's going to be rule-breaking all summer. I can already see it going on right now," (via the "Serving the Hamptons" trailer).

According to an Instagram post by 75 Main, last August during filming, Kendall Jenner jumped behind the bar to pour a few shots from a bottle of her signature 818 Tequila. We wonder if Fitzpatrick was on hand to assist. Those looking to learn more about Ryan Fitzpatrick can catch him on "Serving the Hamptons," airing April 7 on Discover Plus.


