Instagram Is Cracking Up Over Michael Symon's Dog's Ferry Reaction

Chef Michael Symon has posted the most adorable mini-vid of his dog on Instagram and fans are cracking up. The chef shares in the caption, "@normansymon is like "I'm not sure if I like this ferry sh**." Norman Symon is Chef Symon's dog who has been winning on Instagram, and yes he has his own account. Norman's little bio describes him as a smiling "Staffy bull terrier" who is also a bit of a Food Network star in his own right. 


And while happy to share tasting duties with his famous chef dad, this sweet video seems to have Norman pretty confused. The pup is seen looking out the car window on a ferry ride, clearly confused by the water. One fan on the chef's post seems to channel their inner terrier and writes, "Is that water? Nope, I do not like this," while another follower states "Poor Norman looks confused."

Seriously, how did the car get so floaty? We get it Norman, we get it. One fan shares what we can agree upon, "*This* made me laugh out loud. Thank you!"

Not all dogs love water

While it's true that many dogs love to swim, it's pretty likely Norman isn't one of them. Staffordshire bull terriers are simply unsuited to swimming according to Pibbles and Bits. While the good boy certainly looks handsome, that blocky head and broad chest combined with stubbier legs and a short muzzle just don't match well with water. Sure it's possible Norman is an exception to the general staffy breed — but it's unlikely. Given a post on his Instagram account shows a puppy pic of his mom trying to swath him in a lifejacket to stop him from sinking, we're going with the idea that water and Norman don't mix.


Remembering that Michael Symon's home base is in Cleveland, OH, one sharp-eyed Instagram fan takes to the post to ask, "Are you heading to put-in-bay? That is very cyle." For those unfamiliar with the area, Put-in-Bay, Ohio is an island destination about two hours from Cleveland known for waterfront restaurants, kayaking, and not surprisingly — golf. The Miller ferry line will take cars to both the South and Middle Bass Islands.

If our guess is right, we hope to soon see pics of Norman on a putting green, maybe even taking a ride in a golf cart.

