Jamie Oliver Has Instagram Guessing About His Plans For This Gigantic Yorkshire Pudding

Fans of "The Naked Chef" were taken aback when host Jamie Oliver showed off a massive Yorkshire pudding on his Instagram this weekend. The delicacy, which originated in Northern England, might be less familiar to people who haven't had the side dish before, but it appeared that everyone in the comments knew that Oliver's creation was much larger than a normal-sized version of the food. 


Yorkshire pudding is in fact not the creamy custard dish it sounds like, but actually a puff pastry meant to be enjoyed as a savory side to larger meals. An ideal Yorkshire pudding is perfectly flaky on the outside, but soft and fluffy on the inside, according to British Grub Hub. It is often served alongside other classic British food like a Sunday roast or a toad-in-the-hole. Typically, Yorkshire pudding takes the shape of a muffin, but Jamie Oliver didn't follow this standard when he recently made the giant Yorkshire pudding that he displayed on his Instagram.

Fans don't know what Oliver has in mind

The Yorkshire pudding Oliver posted wasn't only massive, but it was also unusually shaped. In the picture, the viewer saw a rectangular pastry, with each of its four corners raised upwards. One commenter accurately described it as an "edible pillow," which was spot on considering its striking resemblance to a cushion. Getting back to the size of the food item, it was abnormally large, as Oliver compared it to the size of his fist, which was much smaller.


The celebrity chef captioned the picture, "Look at the size of this giant Yorkshire pudding...!! Hand for scale haha what do you think I'm making? x x." A few followers tried to guess what Oliver was up to. One Instagrammer guessed in the comments, "Yorkshire pudding wrap." Another follower wrote, "Yorkshire beef bowl?" Whatever plan Oliver has in mind, it's definitely as large and ambitious as the size of this Yorkshire pudding.

