Instagram Can't Get Enough Of Valerie Bertinelli's Sleepy Cats

Valerie Bertinelli's first appearance as a relatable on-screen personality was as a teenager when she played Barbara on the CBS series "One Day at a Time," which premiered in 1975 (via Food Network and IMDb). Nowadays, you may know her from her role in "Hot in Cleveland" and the humorous bloopers that came with it or as a Food Network personality. The down-to-earth actress combined her experience on camera with her love of cooking and family recipes to star in her first cooking show, "Valerie's Home Cooking" in 2015 (via Variety). 


With no professional culinary training (via Twitter), she has a relatability about her that draws in the fellow home cooks watching the network – folks who are also trying to create or recreate cherished family memories through food. During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, her authenticity shined through even more brightly when she invited fans into her home kitchen on Instagram, with her husband as the videographer (via Good Housekeeping). She has continued to keep it real on her Instagram, where she gives us a peek into her daily life with selfie videos with no makeup, hair still drying, and plenty of videos of her fur babies of course.

Valerie Bertinelli even made a separate Instagram account for cat content

Valerie Bertinelli's personal Instagram account, @wolfiesmom, is a mix of quick selfie videos, photos from shows, clips from interviews, and her pets wishing everyone a good morning. The videos of her fur babies get a lot of positive comments, so that may be why she made them a separate account, @wolfiesmeow. The latest video that she posted on both of the accounts featured two of her cats, Batman and Henry, greeting the camera with yawning and tired-eyed stillness. "Everyone needs at least one. Good Mornin'!" Bertinelli said in the caption, and many fans agreed.


 "At least one! ...6 is best," commented one user. "I just want to snuggle and love all over Batman! I've always had a soft spot for black cats," said another fan. On a separate video of Bertinelli's cat Henry on her pet-dedicated Instagram account, one fan commented, "He's beautiful and he knows it! The King." Another admirer purred about Bertinelli: "Love how 'real' you are! Just your ordinary cat lady." Fans are clearly here for the kitty content because there's no better way to kick off the day than by seeing a cute animal video.

