Andrew Garfield's Favorite Foods Are Totally Relatable

There are many reasons to love Andrew Garfield. He makes for a positively amazing Spidey, he's a vocal ally of the LGBTQ community, he happens to be a mega-talented actor — the list goes on. But one of the things that stands out the most is how he embraces that at his core, he is a down-to-earth, ordinary guy. Take away the glitz and glamour of award shows and magazine cover stories and he really isn't that different from the rest of us: He checks his phone first thing every morning, he doesn't like lifting weights or going to the gym, and just like many of us with busy work schedules, the "Spider-Man" star orders food with DoorDash.


Speaking of food, it turns out the "Tick, Tick...BOOM!" star also has some pretty relatable eating habits. Or at least he does when he's not following a strict diet to prepare for a role. "Normally, I eat loads, and I eat awful food," he said of his dietary choices to The Telegraph in 2011. While this may sound like he's being unnecessarily critical, he's not alone in this view of himself. Research by Y-Brands found that around 47% of Millennials don't consider themselves to be healthy eaters.

Of course, that still leaves us with one question: What does the 38-year-old actor really like to eat? Keep reading to find out what foods the star loves.

Garfield can't resist pasta, burgers, and dessert

Notwithstanding that he once admitted to Bustle that he controversially supports pineapple on pizza, Garfield's favorite foods are almost universally relatable. "I love chocolate and burgers and bread and pasta" he told The Telegraph. His love for burgers in particular has actually served him well: As director Marc Webb told Yahoo! in 2011, the way Garfield went about eating a burger during the screen test stage "was it."


Though it's unclear how often he indulges in these foods, it seems dessert might be his biggest weakness. His trainer Armando Alacron confirmed this, telling Coach Mag that even while the actor followed a strict diet to get in shape for "The Amazing Spider-Man," he still treated himself to the occasional slice of cake, a habit that's very true to his British roots. Per The Independent, the average UK resident enjoys "three slices of cake a week." Probably not surprising then, that Garfield celebrated his last day of filming by ordering tres leches cake from his favorite restaurant, a treat he described to Total Film as "pure heaven."

Fitness Clone suggested his fast metabolism has allowed him to stay lean regardless of what he eats, but over the years, it seems Garfield has become more mindful of how he indulges. Speaking to Vogue in 2017, he said, "I'm far less gluttonous, which I'm grateful for because I'm in my 30s, and it's starting to show up in my body." 


