Here's Exactly How Far In Advance You Should Order Your Wedding Cake

Most people don't recognize the level of planning that goes into a wedding until they're in the thick of it themselves. A typical wedding takes roughly one year to organize, according to Brides. There are plenty of things involved with planning a wedding.


Brides suggests that deciding on a venue is among the most important tasks because it sets the stage for everything else. The style of dress, the type of photography, and even the type of music can all depend on the vibe of the venue. It's the first step you should take in planning a wedding, and from there, you can decide on everything else.

The Knot recommends booking everything from the venue to the photographer and band or DJ well before the wedding in order to secure everything you want. But what about the all-important décor and dessert piece — when should you order your wedding cake?

Here's when to order your wedding cake

The best time to order the wedding cake actually depends on the time of year you plan to get married. According to All Things Cake, those who book a wedding for May, June, or October should order their cake a full six months in advance. That's because these months are extremely popular for weddings, which means you need to make sure to give the baker enough notice so that they can properly plan. If you're getting married at a less popular time of year, place the order at least four months in advance.


Martha Stewart also recommends ordering the cake about six months in advance, though if you're working with a small bakery, you might want to give even further notice. It might help to extend that six-month timeline by an extra month or two, especially for the months that are more popular for weddings.

