Trader Joe's Fans Can't Get Enough Of Its New Rosemary Croissant Croutons

While some people prefer to swap ingredients to take their salad to the next level, some believe can't have a leafy bowl of veggies without some croutons for texture. According to Taste Atlas, some historians suspect these small cubes of roasted or sautéed bread originated in France, but experts have never definitively placed exactly where these ingredients came from. The French didn't serve the original croutons on a salad either: National Today reports that these pieces of bread were served alongside drinks, and others noted a resemblance to biscottis. Fast forward to the present day and you can celebrate croutons on National Crouton Day, which falls on May 13 every year. As the history of this ingredient continues to develop, more types of crouton pop up over the years, and it now appears that Trader Joe's might even have a hand in shaping the legacy of this salad topper.


Instagrammer @traderjoeslist discovered rosemary croissant croutons during one of their latest grocery runs to Trader Joe's and had to share the find with their followers. They posted a picture of the croutons alongside the caption, "NEW ROSEMARY CROISSANT CROUTONS $3.99 You had me at croissant. Buttery flakey croissant chunks perfect for your favorite salad or soup! Don't forget you can always eat these straight from the bag!" Fans mirrored the excitement and couldn't wait to jump in with their own comments.

A new take on croutons

The rosemary croissant croutons from Trader Joe's caught the eye of many folks over on Instagram and followers couldn't wait to reply. Enthusiastic takes included, "Had them on my salad today! So good!!" and, "Had these last night and they.are.incredible." Others jumped in with, "These are sooooo good," and, "Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Croutons are back." One enthusiastic Instagrammer even said, "I bought them yesterday and already ate the whole bag." A handful of users couldn't resist digging straight into the bag, and said, "THEY'RE BOMBBBBBB EAT THEM LIKE CHIPS," and, "Ate the whole bag!!! So good!!!"


The only noted downside of these croutons came in the form of the serving size. Many also noticed, "Really though serving size 3 pieces? Who eats three pieces," and, "You lost me at 3 pieces per serving." Despite the small serving size, many shoppers still can't wait to get their hands on these goods and the sentiments can get summed up in one collective thought — "YUM."

