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Instagram Is Giddy About Costco's Hello Kitty Soup

What's more warm and comforting than a bowl of chicken noodle soup? A bowl of Hello Kitty-themed chicken noodle soup, of course! The Instagram account @costco_doesitagain posted a picture of stacked boxes of chicken noodle soup at their local Costco location. The caption read, "Hello Kitty Chicken Noodle Soup $7.99 #costco #costcodoesitagain."


From the picture, the viewer could see that these packs come with six bowls that are easy to prepare by just adding hot water. The packaging is bright red and yellow, which are the colors reminiscent of the iconic character. The bowl's packaging also features little chicken drawings to signify the flavor of the soup. This isn't the first time the big box store has sold Hello Kitty products in its stores: Costco's adorable decorated Pyrex sets it had in stock last year were also a big hit. And it's safe to say from the @costco_doesitagain post's comment section that people are equally as excited about this instant meal kit.

A Sanrio Fan's Dream

There have been Hello Kitty noodles on the market before. Fans can purchase Soy Sauce Ramen Noodles from World Market or Organic Artisanal Pasta from Amazon, both of which feature the Sanrio character. But perhaps due to Costco's wholesale nature and the accessibility of the store, there seems to be extra hype about this new product. Several people tagged their friends in the comments section of the Instagram post. The post had upwards of 7,000 likes, with some followers commenting phrases such as, "WANT." After tagging a friend, another user commented, "Please send these if I'm sick again." 


In addition, another instant noodles product, which displayed Hello Kitty and her friends on the packaging, surfaced on the Costco Reddit community. Sanrio fans will definitely have a field day during their next Costco Trip. Now, the question is, are the noodles shaped like this iconic character? Certainly, that would be a game changer.

