Do You Remember The Words To The Chiquita Banana Jingle?

Thanks to streaming, television viewers no longer have to sit through commercials. While this is a welcomed change for many, it also means that audiences no longer get to meet new mascots, memorize clever slogans, or enjoy a built-in washroom break. And gone are the days of the catchy jingle that would implant itself in one's brain and play on a never-ending loop. If you've never found yourself singing Kit Kat's "Gimme a break," Chia Pet's "Ch-ch-ch-chia," the Oscar Meyer Wiener Song, or an equally ear-wormy ditty for no apparent reason, you are part of a lucky few. 


The truth is that advertisers love to devise memorable tunes that will stick in the minds of their potential clientele. It's clever. They can pay for a handful of time slots and viewers do the rest — replaying those jingles in their heads over and over for free and subconciously reminding them to buy the product.

It is believed that the first broadcast jingle was a Wheaties commercial that aired on the radio on Christmas Day of 1926, per The Atlantic. Almost a century later, the public has tapped its toes to a countless number of advertising tunes — and one of the most memorable still belongs to a common yellow fruit.   

Miss Chiquita and her banana song were an instant hit

In this banana-strewn world, it may be hard to believe that, in the 1940s, bananas were considered exotic. In 1944, Chiquita decided to use a mascot and catchy melody to teach Americans how to ripen and consume this mysterious fruit. Enter Miss Chiquita — a sultry banana with the walk and wardrobe of Mae West — and her Caribbean-inspired Chiquita Banana Song.  


Running at just over a minute, Miss Chiquita had plenty of time to provide viewers with a wealth of helpful banana facts — all set to a catchy Calypso beat. An assortment of bananas of varying shades presented themselves for inspection. She informed the audience that the one with brown spots is "best for digestion" as said banana peeled off his skin and jumped into a bowl of cereal. The anthropomorphized fruit then instructed, "But bananas like the climate of the very, very tropical equator, so you should never put bananas in the refrigerator." She went on to tell us that bananas are great in pies and can even be included in a baby's diet and "since they are so good for babies, I think we all should try it." 


By providing all these useful banana facts in an up-tempo tune, viewers couldn't help but sing along — ensuring that Chiquita's advertising campaign succeeded at its mission. Today, bananas have become a commonplace kitchen staple alongside apples and oranges. People can now make banana cream pies and banana breads, or just devour them raw. And more often than not, Chiquita is the name that springs to mind when consumers think of this beloved fruit.  

