We Might Know What The Galaxy Tastes Like - And It's Weird

The unknowns of the universe are so varied and filled with potential that considering them all would boggle the mind of even the most excitable child. How many alien races are there? Is time travel possible? How many McDonald's are on Mars?


But unless you happen to be a food enthusiast on the level of Gordon Ramsay, a particularly strange question to ponder is "what does a galaxy taste like?" It is a quirky consideration, to say the least — so it's extremely fortunate that scientists have not shied away from trying to answer it.

In spite of its namesake, space experts believe that chocolate is not the commanding taste of the Milky Way. Although this may be a disappointing revelation, the taste of the galaxy is actually reputed to be far fruitier — very similar to that of raspberries, reveals The Guardian. But how exactly did researchers make their curious discovery?

Scientists uncovered a raspberry-flavored dust cloud in space

Scientists examining an interstellar dust cloud found that one of the chemicals contained within it was ethyl formate, reports The Guardian. Ethyl formate is the key component that gives raspberries their flavor, according to the American Chemical Society (ACS).


Ethyl formate is a colorless liquid that smells like rum and can be found in fruit, coffee, tea, lemonade, and alcoholic drinks. So maybe the galaxy is just a massive distillery. The Guardian adds that the dust cloud carried evidence of cyanide — and the presence of both chemicals has given scientists hope that similarly sized molecules essential for life also exist in space.

Raspberries are not the only food sensation reputedly released by the universe. A comet was found to release components for the scents of almonds and rotten eggs (according to Science Focus), while BBC Sky at Night Magazine reports that astronauts say the smell of space can include food items such as barbecue and seared steak.


