The Surprising Reason Why TikTok Cake Creator Robert Lucas Doesn't Eat His Own Cake - Exclusive

Forget being a kid in a candy shop ... how'd you like to be let loose in Robert Lucas' apartment, where he makes his elaborate TikTok-famous cakes from scratch? Can you even imagine sinking your teeth into the S'mores Oreos confection Lucas recently featured, complete with torched marshmallows? Or, if you consider yourself a diehard chocoholic, what would you do for the opportunity to try his exploding tsunami of chocolate lava? And if you're still thinking you'd rather just eat a lot of candy than cake, there's always the best of both worlds in his Reese's Pieces and peanut butter cups design.


Surely, surrounded by so much sweetness, Lucas must be living on a steady diet of cake? You'd think so, yet Lucas insists he never eats what he creates. In an exclusive interview with Mashed, the viral content creator — who was just named to the coveted 2022 #BlackTikTok Trailblazers list — said he gives his goodies away rather than eating them himself. "I give all the cakes away after I do them, so many people have tried them, locally," he said. "It's not hard to give away a free cake, but everyone seems to love it as well, because I've always said, 'I don't want a cake to just look good, but I also want it to taste good.'" And yet, Lucas doesn't eat a crumb — but why?

Lucas just isn't into eating cake

If you're thinking Robert Lucas doesn't eat his own cakes because he's a health nut, you'd be wrong. The TikTok star shared that his favorite food happens to be the delicious fries from McDonald's, where he used to work. So if he's not avoiding cake for health reasons, why wouldn't he at least occasionally enjoy a slice of cake, rather than giving them away? "The surprising thing is I don't really like cake!" Lucas revealed in a recent Mashed interview. "I love sweets, I don't like cake. [I do it] for the art."


Does that mean Lucas has never once tried his own work? Not quite. He explained that when he first decided to venture into the craft, he did taste the batter and fondant to make sure they were palatable. "When I first started making that very first cake, I didn't rush into making the design, I actually made sure I had a good tasting cake and a good tasting frosting before I even made it," Lucas explained.

For more of Robert Lucas' incredible cake design videos, follow him on TikTok.

