Aldi Shoppers Are Freaking Out Over The Return Of Its Croissant Buns

Perhaps more often than fans of any other grocery chain, Aldi shoppers keep each other up to date on the most recent finds at their local stores. Instagram user @aldi.mademedoit, for example, recently made customers aware of Aldi's Valentine's Day cheeses returning to the chain in flavors like Wensleydale with raspberries and white chocolate. The fan account is at it again this week, as they just made a product discovery that made them say, "My precious babies are back ... and I'm so excited!!!" Which Aldi product is this shopper comparing to "pillows of heaven?" It's the chain's Specially Selected croissant buns (via Instagram).


Aldi fans were obsessed with these croissant buns last year. If you missed them, they're exactly what they sound like: large round buns made from buttery croissant dough, with a spiral of flaky layers visible on the top. The buns are imported from France, come four to a package, and, according to Aldi's website, cost $3.99 at the limited locations where they're available. Based on the comments on @aldi.mademedoit's post, it seems that many shoppers have been able to find the croissant buns on their routine shopping trips, while others have been eagerly awaiting their return.

Fans agree this is the best thing to make with Aldi's croissant buns

Shoppers on Instagram seem to agree that one way to use Aldi's croissant buns reigns supreme. In their post, user @aldi.mademedoit shared that they love the buns in breakfast sandwiches, asking followers to chime in with more ideas. At least three others agreed, with user @mscrystalking saying, "I am obsessed with these for breakfast sandwiches." Last summer, Twitter user @postalmary echoed this sentiment, saying, "I had a sausage and egg sandwich with a croissant bun. New buns I found at ALDI! It was awesome!" 


Other users stepped outside of the breakfast box and said they would enjoy the buns for burgers, chicken salad sandwiches, or BLTs. Some said they buy multiple packages a week, and one plans to store several bags in the freezer. Per Food & Wine, baked croissants can be frozen for up to a month, which presumably means that your Aldi croissant buns can live a few weeks in the freezer and then be ready to thaw for a bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast.

