Star Wars Fans Are Loving The Newest Goldfish Shapes

Goldfish might be one of the classic, cheesy snacks that you grew up with, but that doesn't mean the company isn't putting new twists on the original version. The company has rolled out Goldfish, inspired by Frank's RedHot sauce, jalapeño popper-flavored goldfish, and even bigger Goldfish bites that are specifically made for adults. So what's next for Goldfish fans?


If you're always in line for a midnight premiere for the next "Star Wars" movie, then line up for the latest edition: Star Wars The Mandalorian Cheddar Crackers. According to a press release sent to Mashed, these Goldfish are shaped like Star Wars characters including Grogu (more commonly known as Baby Yoda), the Mandalorian, and stormtroopers.

Since these Star Wars Goldfish are limited edition, fans will want to go to the store soon. The press release also mentions that these Goldfish are already selling for $75 a package on eBay. Whether you save these precious Goldfish and keep them in mint condition, like a rare action figure, or have them as a snack is up to you!

What is Twitter saying about these Star Wars Goldfish?

With so many "Star Wars" fans out there, it's no surprise that people are hoping to get their hands on these Goldfish as soon as possible. One person tweeted, "Ok, i seriously NEED that mandalorian Goldfish right now ..." And if you're thinking the same thing, you can find these Star Wars Goldfish shapes at Target.


Another Twitter user said, "The mandalorian goldfish crackers are MY chromatica oreos," in reference to Lady Gaga's Chromatica Oreos that sold out quickly when introduced. Someone else hyped up these Star Wars Goldfish with a simple comment, "This is genius!"

As for what people think about the character shapes themselves, one person wrote, "Live long enough to see the much-maligned animated padawan you love become a goldfish cracker." In the past, we've seen plenty of Baby Yoda products, from Baby Yoda cereal to Baby Yoda hot cocoa bombs. These Goldfish also feature Baby Yoda, but we're glad to see fans get excited about other "Star Wars" characters having their chance to shine, too. Will you be picking up a bag of these Goldfish for your next binge of "Star Wars" movies?


