Twitter Is Cracking Up Over Duff Goldman's Hot Dog 'Fangirl' Tweet

Duff Goldman may be best known for "Ace of Cakes," the show featuring the extraordinary cakes made at his bakery, Charm City Cakes. Many also adore him as a host and judge of the show "Kids Baking Championship." The celebrity chef is even popular on social media, sharing adorable pictures of his family, and also interacting with fans and other accounts which makes him super relatable.


A cool Twitter exchange with the Original Nathan's Franks Twitter account has the Twitterverse in stitches. First, Goldman posted a hilarious picture of himself dressed as a hotdog, complete with mustard drizzle, from a recent episode of "Kids Baking Championship." The picture garnered a response from Nathan's, which said, "Remember, hot dogs always make things better." As an avowed hot dog fan (his chili dog recipe is a must-try), Goldman was shocked that Nathan's tweeted at him. 

"Can I fangirl when I get tweeted to by my favorite hot dog company ever? I love Nathan's Franks so much," the star commented, including the hashtag #NewJerseyTurnpike. Fans thought the exchange was high-quality entertainment.


Fans are loving Goldman showing appreciation for hot dogs

Fans had a few things to say about the original Tweet, which shows Goldman dressed as a hot dog. "I feel like you've never looked better. 12/10," joked one fan. But what really takes the cake is the response to Goldman's Tweet questioning whether it's ok to be a Nathan's "fangirl," as the Original Nathan's Franks account tweeted back, "Yes, yes you can," accompanied by an animated gif of Jonah Hill waving his hands and screaming in delight.


Fans of Goldman wholeheartedly agree. "Yes, you can. Life is short," said one. Another shared Goldman's enthusiasm for the brand. "Love Nathan's Hot Dogs!" Others wanted to make sure that Goldman wasn't missing out on an unexpected treat on Nathan's menu tweeting, "You should try their fries!" 

Speaking of fries, Nathans famous fries are ranked as the second-best item on their menu in Mashed's own ranking of Nathan's Famous most popular menu items

