35% Think This Is The Best Food To Bring To A Super Bowl Party

On February 13, football fans far and wide will congregate to have a Super Bowl party. But what will they eat? More importantly, if you are going to such an event, what kind of food should you bring or order to show willing? (After all, a trifle seems inappropriate, for some reason.) So, Mashed decided to ask, "What is the best food to bring to a Super Bowl party?" 598 people responded, and two options stood out from the rest.


The food that the least number of people thought would do for a Super Bowl do was potato skins. Only 3.18% favored them. Slightly more popular dishes were burgers and chili. 4.01% and 5.35% of those surveyed, respectively, said that these were the go-to foods.

In the next tier of popularity, 10.03% would like to bring buffalo chicken dip, while 11.04% prefer nachos. Standing even above such solid party staples was pizza. 31.10% of respondents considered pizza to still be the most applicable party food. However, when it comes to the Super Bowl, one food item has even pizza beat.

This Super Bowl snack fave retains its title

One food item remains at the top of the Super Bowl food list, and the results of the survey reflect this fact. 35.28 of respondents agreed that chicken wings are the best food to bring to a Super Bowl party. That's one in three people. This answer really shouldn't surprise anyone. After all, The National Chicken Council expected the 2021 Super Bowl to see the consumption of 1.42 billions chicken wings. That's the highest number ever. However, as NPR explained in 2013, there has been a historic trend for the consumption of chicken wings to skyrocket during the Super Bowl.


The reason that the chicken wing is such a Super Bowl staple seems to be due to a historic connection between the food and the sport. Vox described in 2016 how the 80's saw a boost in popularity for boneless, skinned breast meat. It was seen as healthier and easier to cook.

This meant that the wings connected to the breast became cheaper, as they were unwanted leftovers. Bars began to buy the cheap meat — and when people went to the bar to watch games, they snacked on chicken wings. From there, the chicken wing became the most popular food for avid football viewers.

