The Food You Never Want To See At A Super Bowl Party, According To 28% Of People

Super Bowl 56 is just a few days away. Whether you're hosting a party, attending one, or just watching with your family at home, everyone knows that Sunday is for two things: football and food. For many Americans, the latter is almost as important as the big game itself. From wings slathered in buffalo sauce to salty chips dunked in guacamole to juicy burger sliders, delicious game day snacks are a must-have. Reader's Digest reports that last year, Americans were predicted to eat some 1.42 billion chicken wings on Super Bowl Sunday alone. 


As mentioned, here are some Super Bowl snacks almost everyone expects (and loves) to indulge in while they watch the game. According to Statista, in 2021, the most popular were chips and dip, chicken wings, pizza, and nachos. However, there are also some that aren't so well-received — the rejects of the Super Bowl spread. Mashed polled nearly 600 adults on which food they absolutely don't want to see on Super Bowl Sunday. Here's the dish that more than a quarter of Americans don't think belongs on the game day menu.

Football fans are't very interested in deviled eggs

If you dream of chowing down on a platter of deviled eggs while you cheer on the Rams or Bengals come Sunday, you're in the minority. According to Mashed's poll results, it's people's least favorite Super Bowl party food, with 28% of respondents saying they don't want to see it on the spread. The eggs — which are made by hard-boiling eggs, scooping out the yolk, blending it with mayonnaise, and stuffing it back into the white — is a traditional Southern potluck food that was first invented in the late 1800s (via Southern Kitchen). Unfortunately, while the protein-packed finger food works for potlucks and picnics, it doesn't seem like something many want while watching football. That said, if you're a fan of deviled eggs, there are fun ways to dress them up for game day (like this cute bacon-covered recipe from Hungry Happenings that makes the eggs look like footballs!).


Where did other common party foods fall in the ranking of popularity on Super Bowl Sunday? Hummus was close behind deviled eggs, with 22% of people saying they don't want to see it on the menu. Next was pigs in a blanket with 18% of the votes, followed by a veggie tray with 16%. Of all the options in the poll, guacamole (with 8%) and sour cream and onion dip (with 6%) were the most-preferred snacks. Dips are big at tailgates, so it makes sense they're a Super Bowl favorite, too.

