Why Aldi UK Is Expecting Major Shipping Delays
If you've been to the grocery store lately, you've probably noticed some of your favorite foods missing from the shelves. Per USA Today, the United States is still in the midst of pandemic- and weather-related supply chain disruptions, with stores running low on many of the produce, meat, and packaged items on your grocery list. And then there's the additional element of skyrocketing prices due to inflation, which explains why your groceries may be getting more expensive. Product shortages and high prices aren't only happening in the U.S., however. They're going on pretty much everywhere, including across the pond.
The United Kingdom is also experiencing its fair share of supply chain woes. The Independent reported on another recent round of shortages of grocery store items throughout the area. Discount grocery chain Aldi is one of the affected retailers, which likely has Brits unhappy that they haven't been able to stock up on as many Special Buys, Aldi Finds, and other goods as of late.
Aldi U.K. says to check the website for updates on product availability
Aldi U.K. took to its website to share news of recent product shortages, writing, "Due to the current disruptions to global shipping, a number of Specialbuys may be delayed." Specialbuys, according to Express, are Aldi items that go on sale every Thursday and Sunday. Some of the coveted products that people in the U.K. will have to be patient if they want to purchase include Lacura skincare, lambskin slippers, car polisher, and Kirkton House kitchenware. If you're familiar with Aldi's shopping culture, you know that many products tend to run out quickly even when supply issues aren't a factor. These items, however, won't be available at all until later than anticipated, with some in-store arrival dates being pushed by weeks or even months.
Aldi's announcement reads, "We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We're doing all we can to provide clarity on expected availability dates, but these are subject to change. Dates will vary by store and by region." The chain recommends checking the web page or signing up for email alerts to keep track of product availabilities.