How Kevin Hart's Disney Fast Pass Joke Inspired Sam's Club's Super Bowl Commercial

It's Super Bowl season, and you know what that means. The competition may run high between rival star quarterbacks, but brands play just as hard on this special night of the year to crank out the best, most eye-catching Super Bowl ads. After all, the stakes are high when more than 100 million people are glued to their television screens, according to Forbes.


This year, the price to be featured during the Super Bowl's commercial breaks is higher than ever. In 2022, companies are paying as much as $6.5 million for 30 seconds of exposure, reports USA Today. Because of this, companies will go all in. In the past, food brands such as McDonald's have collaborated with celebrities including Millie Bobby Brown and Kanye West.

For the 2022 Super Bowl, there's a new player on the ad field. Sam's Club's first-ever Super Bowl commercial, which features Kevin Hart, will hit nostalgic Disney Parks fans right in the feels.

Kevin Hart thinks he's a Sam's Club VIP

For Sam's Club's Super Bowl commercial, Kevin Hart contributed the gift of nostalgia. Per USA Today, the idea came from the comedian's comments about Disney's retired Fastpass service. Using this upgrade, users could skip the lines for popular amusement park rides. Hart described the feeling of superiority that came with this ability to "jump the line." Sam Club's applied this analogy to its Super Bowl ad, which features Hart using the store's scan-and-go service. 


"When you get a Fastpass or have an amusement park allowing you to bypass the line, a little bit of cocky comes with that. That's the anchor of the joke in the idea," Hart explained to USA Today.

The warehouse chain's scan-and-go option isn't just for Hart, though, despite what his character believes in the ad. Any Sam's Club members can use the feature to be in and out of the store in a flash — perfect if you're running late to a Super Bowl party.

