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TikTok Is Impressed With Wolfgang Puck's Egg Kitchen Gadget

Wolfgang Puck believes cooking an egg can be very telling when discerning a chef's skills. In fact, according to the Passionistas Project, the Spago chef often asks potential employees to cook one as a test. As he explained, "To me, I judge these chefs often on how they can cook an egg. If it's an omelet or it's scrambled eggs, generally I have to give people a pan and eggs and I say, 'OK, make me an omelet.' Because [they] say, 'We worked in all of these fancy restaurants.' And often now chefs forget about learning the basics."


Well, when learning about the basics of eggs, chefs that want to impress Puck may want to familiarize themselves with a gadget the celebrity chef seems to really like. He recently took to TikTok to share a kitchen tool just for this menu staple — and it's helpful for their delicate shells, too — and TikTokers are loving it. The video has garnered more than 41,000 likes as of publication and lots of chitter-chatter over the tool. In fact, it removes the top of the egg shell so effortlessly, and with such precision, you'll want to watch the video over and over. 

It's the perfect tool for unshelling an egg without mess

Per Amazon, the gadget Wolfgang shares in his TikTok video is called an "egg cracker topper cutter," and it is used to seamlessly remove the top of the shell from a soft- or hard-boiled egg. In the fairly short video, Puck playfully asks his followers what they think this bell-shaped contraption is before demonstrating how it is used. It's a bit mesmerizing to watch the Austrian chef simply place the gadget over an unbroken egg resting in a cup, then pull the big round ball of the tool upwards, and release. What Puck is left with is a perfectly round cut around the eggshell that easily comes off and with zero mess, which usually ensues when you have to peel a soft- or hard-boiled egg. 


Just one problem — the chef forgot to cook it first! At the conclusion, Puck laughed as he revealed an uncooked egg inside and said, "But you are supposed to cook it before for four minutes," and promised he is going to show viewers how. TikTokers also found the humor in the fact the egg wasn't cooked with one person who wrote, "Lol! Is this a blooper?" and another said, "Why did you do that before the egg was cooked? Couldn't you've just waited four minutes until after you cooked the egg to show us this video." Still another typed, "I wish they made those for quail eggs! I don't know how many I've done like that." Seems like everyone is loving this tool!

