Krispy Kreme And The American Red Cross Want To Give You Free Donuts

The country is in a full-blown blood shortage crisis right now, thanks in large part to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Donations are way down, per the American Red Cross, and hospitalizations are way up. Put together, those create a pretty big problem, especially for patients who desperately need transfusions to heal. In fact, it's the worst crisis for the agency in more than a decade — as they note on their website, "The dangerously low blood supply levels have forced some hospitals to defer patients from major surgery, including organ transplants. Your donation is desperately needed."


Fortunately, donut giant Krispy Kreme is stepping up to incentivize people to do their part. Thanks to the partnership, anyone who donates this week (from January 24 to 31) will receive one dozen free Original Glazed donuts, says the company's Instagram. Per Business Wire, all you have to do is visit a participating Krispy Kreme location (noted on their site) and show proof of donation, either the sticker you receive, or simply pull up the confirmation on the Red Cross blood donor app.

The shortage is a big deal because real people will be affected if things don't turn around soon. One person took to Krispy Kreme's Instagram in support of the promotion, and said, "Because of blood donors, I was able to get a transfusion last year due to severe iron deficiency anemia. If you can, please donate." Totally free, delicious donuts for doing your part to help humanity? Talk about a sweet deal, indeed.


These blood donors are the most needed right now

Blood and platelet donations of all types are desperately needed right now, however donors that have O positive or O negative blood types are extra important to help relieve the crisis. This is because O positive is the most common (in 38% of people), and it can be given to all other positive blood types, which is 80% of the population, says the American Red Cross


And O negative is considered a universal option, used when blood type information is not yet known, such as in emergency surgery or trauma cases. Unfortunately, O negative is the first type to run out in blood banks due to this fact, as it's only found to exist in 7% of the population.

To cash in on the delicious Krispy Kreme donut deal and feel good about yourself all at the same time, schedule an appointment to donate blood or platelets. The Red Cross Blood Donor App is easy to use, or you can visit Or, go totally old school and call them at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). As Krispy Kreme points out, "It's time to roll up your sleeves!"

