Someone Once Reportedly Found A 'Lung' In Their KFC Meal

What's the grossest thing you've ever come across in a meal? Although the odd stray hair may end up garnishing your dessert or a daredevil fly might nosedive into your soup, properly disgusting food mishaps don't happen all the time. However, every so often something is bound to go wrong.


On some of those occasions, people have discovered unwanted and disgusting additions to their fast food orders. Last year, a U.K. customer claimed to have felt "very sick" after allegedly finding what appeared to be a worm (perhaps a "corn borer") lodged between the kernels of corn they had already begun eating (via Bedfordshire Live). Elsewhere in the U.K., a woman claimed to have pieces of a facemask cooked into her chicken, according to Coventry Live. KFC has definitely had some scandalous moments and otherwise unpleasant incidents involving its chicken. But sometimes a part of an actual chicken can cause upset, which reportedly happened in 2016 when a diner visited one of the company's Australian branches and uncovered what he believed to be a lung.


The Gold Coast Bulletin reports that Marc Nicholls decided to treat himself to a KFC meal at the company's Labrador store while waiting for work to be done on his car windows but was alarmed to discover what he claimed to be a lung lurking in between the deep-fried batter. If the shocking discovery didn't leave him speechless, it must surely have taken his breath away.

KFC admits that chicken offal can sometimes end up in its food

Marc Nicholls opted to indulge his desire for crispy chicken by purchasing a three-piece box meal (consisting of two chicken wings and a chicken breast) from the KFC restaurant, according to the Daily Mail. But within one of the wings, Nicholls uncovered a gray, "brain-like" substance, which he described as "absolutely vile." KFC staff told him it was probably a chicken lung.


According to the Gold Coast Bulletin, a KFC statement confirmed that the suspicious object was more than likely a lung or kidney. Although chicken innards are usually removed before reaching customers, the statement admitted that sometimes they are inadvertently included – but do not pose a risk to human health. The Gold Coast Bulletin notes that while local health officials stated they had not received a complaint, businesses are regularly inspected to ensure they are abiding by food safety standards. It also reports that despite being offered a complimentary meal, Nicholls was adamant he would never eat at KFC again.

