This Holiday Is KFC's Busiest Day Of The Year

The holidays are a special time of year, and for businesses especially, as it's during this time that massive profit can be made. For example, the cookie-cutter Christmas movies that Hallmark churns out every year produces $390 million in ad revenue (via Adweek). Additionally, big-box stores like Walmart and Best Buy stock the shelves in preparation for the Black Friday rush, grocery stores anticipate big shopping sprees for Thanksgiving, and the fast food industry counts on some special dates, too. 


While McDonald's shared a special Mariah Menu for the Christmas season, Kentucky Fried Chicken is gearing up for its own most anticipated holiday — Mother's Day. According to EATER, the fried chicken chain sees an impressive 50% jump in profits on the Spring Sunday that we celebrate mom. That's certainly a lot of fried chicken and mashed potatoes!

But why does the popular chain see such an increase on Mother's Day? 

It could be KFC's clever advertising

As the EATER article reports, KFC claims to serve over 370,000 matriarchs and their families every Mother's Day. This is equivalent to 1.5 million pounds of chicken. That's not counting the 815,000 servings of mashed potatoes and 470,000 servings of coleslaw. Moreover, KFC Mother's Day feasts are most popular in Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Ohio.


Could it be the advertising that inspires the mom's day fried chicken spike? In the past, the company has pulled out all the stops to honor Mom. Per Country Living, in 2017 the chain released a steamy romance novel, "Tender Wings of Desire," which was available free on Amazon. In 2019 it was the dancing "Chickendales" that targeted moms (per YouTube). But even in 2010, KFC claimed that Mother's Day is KFC's busiest holiday so perhaps it's not the clever ads at all (via Facebook). 

While we may not know the exact reason behind this phenomenon, we do know that all moms are special and like to celebrate in their own way. Some may enjoy a brunch or a spa day, yet others are happiest when hanging out at home with the kiddos, and perhaps KFC simply offers the right amount of variety for the whole family.   


