Why You Should Start Adding Brown Butter To Your Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a simple and delicious go-to meal for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Whether you dress them up or down, eggs can be made in a variety of ways to appease a vast and diverse number of palates. Honestly, the many ways you can prepare and enjoy scrambled eggs reads like a Dr. Seuss book. 


Per Eggs.ca, the possibilities are seemingly endless. You can prepare the diner version — a quick, "hard" scramble that requires little attention — after a night out with friends. You can also whip up a "soft" scramble (resulting in fluffy, creamy eggs) when you are making brunch for your family. Or if you're on vacation, you may want to indulge by adding in shredded cheddar, a little bacon, or a drizzle of maple syrup.

But thanks to our friends at Fine Dining Lovers, we are learning that there is another ingredient you might want to consider adding to your scrambled eggs: brown butter. The food-themed channel shares that brown butter should definitely be in your culinary arsenal to make this dish stand out, adding an umami taste that can only be described as perfection. But how exactly does adding brown butter to your scrambled eggs make them better?


Add brown butter at the end

Inspired Taste describes the flavor of brown butter as "toasted" and "nutty," and shares that this unicorn ingredient enhances the flavor spectrum of a variety of dishes. Brown butter is also easy to make. According to Wood and Spoon, beurre noisette, as it is called in French, is melted butter that is cooked until it is brown but not burnt. 


What does browning butter do? It causes the butter's water content to evaporate, leaving the milk proteins that remain to cook. As these proteins cook, they release an aromatic richness and take on this beautiful flavor that Fine Dining Lovers suggests is the perfect ingredient to add to your scrambled eggs to make your taste buds pop. The distinctive nutty flavor brown butter adds to your scrambled eggs is thanks to the Maillard reaction, which is the chemical process that causes the butter to change colors and flavors as it cooks. Thank you, science! 

If you are going to add brown butter to your scrambled eggs, make sure to add just a bit at the end of your cooking process, to ensure that the flavor really hits your mouth with maximum goodness.


