Reddit Is Loving The Tasty Way This Starbucks Employee Quit

To paraphrase Paul Simon, "there are 50 ways to leave" a job, but there's no reason to burn a bridge in the process. It's wise advice as more and more people are saying "I quit" lately. As the Washington Post notes, 4.2 million Americans quit their jobs in October, keeping what has been dubbed "The Great Resignation" alive and well. If you are unfamiliar, World Economic Forum says it's a movement that has resulted in employees leaving their jobs in record numbers during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Quartz, many employees within the food and lodging industry in particular are leading the way — citing the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it's noted that almost 7% of workers in this industry alone left their jobs in August 2021, juxtaposed to the 2.9% of those that left other industries. 


But, regardless of whether these individuals felt unfulfilled or just wanted to follow their true passions, they all needed to find a way to resign. The truth is, if you are going to leave your job, you can do so without bad decorum. Per Reddit, one Starbucks employee found a delicious way to give her two weeks. In fact, you could say she found a way to have her cake and eat it, too. 

The Starbucks employee gave her notice with a cake

The Redditor shared a photo of a sheet cake with green frosting, a Starbucks logo in the middle, and writing that read, "This is my two week notice! Love all of you ... Peace Out!!" The individual then captioned the photo, "Moving on in January. This is how I submitted my notice." The post has close to 500 likes from the unofficial Starbucks Reddit community and it seems like this employee's manner of leaving may spark a new trend.


One commenter who identifies as a barista wrote, "Beautiful cake ... just put in my notice today as well. Bittersweet, I love working with my partners and my store is awesome, I just can't handle two jobs anymore unfortunately." While another commented, "Just got rehired three months ago, I'm contemplating on going out the exact same way you did."

Still, one community member offered, "I hope that cake doesn't go to waste." But, the sweet treat must have gone over well because the original poster later wrote, "By the time I left, six partners already finished half the cake!" 

