Marie Callender's Fans Are Loving Its Playful Reference To This Absurd Review

Let's be honest: Preparing a massive meal for a crowd can be stressful, especially when the menu involves several dishes that require different ingredients and oven settings. Just ask Sharon Weiss, who simply wanted to impress her family with a delicious Marie Callender's pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving of this year. Unfortunately, her dessert didn't exactly go as planned, which prompted her to post a photo of her burnt pumpkin pie to the brand's Facebook page with the caption, "Thanks Marie Calendar for ruining thanksgiving dessert" (via Heavy). Unsurprisingly, she was roasted in the (pretty hilarious) comments section.


Marie Callender's, nevertheless, followed social media best practices and responded to Weiss' post in a timely manner, saying, "We're really sorry to hear our Pumpkin Pie let you down this year. We'd like to get in touch so we can hear more and help." But the classy response couldn't hold off fellow Facebook users' thousands of meme-worthy comments, which made fun of Weiss for everything from her complaint to her misspelling of the brand name. As one can imagine, the marketing team over at Marie Callender's has likely been having a heyday. Just a few weeks after the scorched pie fiasco, the wholesome frozen foods brand has decided to have a little fun with the Facebook situation by turning it into a playful holiday campaign.


Marie Callender's is #SharonSomePie with its customers this holiday season

On the morning of December 20, 2021, Marie Callender's posted a festive graphic on its Facebook and Instagram pages with the message, "From our family to yours: We wish you a holiday filled with joy and reasonably well-cooked pies... and if they don't turn out as planned, that's OK too. It's the spirit that counts. We're all trying our best and we've all been there, so let's try our best to be there for one another... especially Sharon. Happy holidays and enjoy #SharonSomePie."


Unlike they were on Sharon's original complaint, fans' responses to the brand's playful post are good-natured and appreciative. One user wrote, "Nicely played, Marie Callender's! May the Sharons of the world bring us joy for the holidays and beyond." Another responded, "Thank you to Sharon for bringing people together and giving us a chance to laugh at ourselves and each other." And you know what? The brand is spot on. It's safe to say that we've likely all pulled a Sharon at one point or another. Sometimes, you just have to laugh at your own mistakes and bask in the humility of it all. Here's to making sure our ovens are set at the right temperature so our Christmas pies are baked to perfection!


