Kris Jenner Is Teaming Up With Postmates To Spread Holiday Cheer

Everyone's favorite momager is doing her part to make the holidays extra bright for people across the country. Through a partnership with Postmates, the food and drink delivery and pickup service, as many as 250 people will be surprised with a gift ranging anywhere in value from $10 to $3,000! Per People, Kris Jenner herself will be scrolling through wishes submitted via Twitter and making the call on whether to grant them!


Jenner is pretty pumped up about the opportunity to spread joy during a year that has seen plenty of publicly emotional turmoil for her family. In an announcement video posted to Postmates' Twitter, she said, "I'm Kris Jenner, and I'm teaming up with Postmates to be better than Santa this year. We want to grant wishes and make people's year." She also offered a couple of suggestions for "wishes," including a flight home to see family or a television.

Response to the #BetterThanSanta campaign

So far, Jenner is doing a lot of wish-granting. @the_jjofficial tweeted, "My 15 yr old son is wishing for a 26" mountain bike and I DESPERATELY need new eye glasses (sic)!" To which Jenner replied, "From one mom to another, I really want to make this wish come true for you this Christmas," then instructed her to DM Postmates immediately to claim her wish.


Jenner also granted a new cookware set to @MelissaC040, who's "finally having everyone over for Christmas this year." Said Jenner, "Your kitchen is about to look amazing!!" Jenner also made a big wish for personal cause — toys for distribution to patients at Children's Hospital LA. The hospital later replied with a pic and a grateful tweet, "Wow...this is amazing!"

The fun isn't over yet. You can post a public tweet with a description of your holiday wish through Dec. 17 at 5 p.m. ET. Include #BetterThanSanta and #PostmatesGiveaway in your tweet, then keep an eye on your Twitter DMs. To claim a wish, you must reply within 24 hours! Thanks to Postmates and Kris Jenner, it's a holly, jolly season, indeed!


