Yes, Mulled Beer Is A Thing. Here's How To Make It

It's officially mulling season, everybody! When the weather outside is frightful, there's truly nothing better than cozying up next to the fireplace while sipping on a piping hot mug of spicy, sweet mulled cider or a glass of savory, sultry mulled wine. These delectable seasonal drinks fall within the wassail category. Wassails are traditionally made with alcohol, aromatic spices (think cinnamon, star anise, and cloves), sugar, and fragrant fruits such as oranges or apples and served out of a large punch bowl during Christmastime, as defined by Merriam-Webster. (Bonus fun fact: Wassail is also a verb that means "to drink to the health or thriving of" or "to toast.")


In addition to the classic wine and cider, did you know that you can also whip up an incredibly delicious mulled beer? That's right! Mulled beer – commonly referred to as mulled ale in Europe – has been enjoyed longer than you can probably imagine. It is believed that pagan farmers would pour the heated beverage on their trees and yell loudly to ward off any evil spirits, according to The Takeout. Anywho, let's learn how to make a big ol' vessel of mulled beer, shall we?

Mulled beer is a festive holiday drink that's simple to make

Mulled beer has been fancied for many centuries, and its roots can be traced back to England, according to Craft Beering. Before the days of modern refrigeration, beer would spoil relatively quickly, so heating it allowed it to last longer (via Wine Enthusiast). Mulled beer tends to offer a less intense sweetness and syrupy mouthfeel than mulled wine, thereby making it a more suitable option for those who prefer mellow flavored libations around the holidays. Recipes for mulled beer vary by region and preference. To get started with the must-haves, add the following ingredients to your grocery list: beer (of course), honey, orange juice, bitters, ginger, star anise, and cinnamon sticks.


As far as the beer style goes, there are plenty of options, depending on your palate. Craft Beering suggests opting for strong, malty, brown-colored ales and lagers. Steer clear of beers that are overly bitter tasting or hop-heavy, such as IPAs. There are also some key tips to follow while preparing a batch of mulled beer. For instance, pour the beer into the saucepan before heating it and never let the concoction come to a full boil.

