This Is Why You Should Use A Fork To Scramble Eggs

Who doesn't love scrambled eggs? This breakfast staple checks all the boxes: it's easy to make, affordable, healthy, and filling. Furthermore, while a fluffy scramble is delicious enough on its own, it definitely tastes even better nestled next to other morning favorites such as crispy bacon, a short stack of pancakes, or French toast drenched in maple syrup. And best of all, all you need to make 'em is eggs, salt, and butter.


That said, scrambled eggs are one of those kitchen staples — much like peanut butter and jelly, say, or roast chicken — that people seem to have a million different takes on. Some folks mix a little milk or water into the beaten eggs before cooking, for instance. There are scrambled eggs fan who cook them over high heat, and others over low — heck, there are those who even cook them in the microwave. Either way, if you love a good scramble, chances are you've got your own personal technique down pat. 

But aside from your preferred method of heating everything up, have you ever thought about how you scramble — or beat together the white and yolk — your eggs? If you're using a whisk, and not a fork, to do so, you might want to reconsider your technique.


Don't whisk in too much air

For many of us, scrambled eggs were one of the first dishes we learned how to cook all on our own: after all, there's not much complicated about whisking together some eggs, heating butter in a pan, and stirring around the golden mixture until cooked through. But over the years, we've likely all settled on our own personal technique for scrambling. Maybe you beat some sour cream into your eggs, or cook 'em in oil, not butter. However, when it comes to the actual scrambling — I.E., breaking up the egg yolk and white and mixing them together — how do you approach it? 


Many of us use a whisk, which has the advantage of quickly and thoroughly mixing the yolk and white together (via Greatist). But have you ever considered that whisking could be a bad thing? According to a video on the YouTube channel Fine Dining Lovers, you should be reaching for a fork — and not a whisk — to scramble your eggs. 

"The perfect scrambling motion for us is a side-by-side, using a fork and not a whisk," the video states. "A whisk will incorporate too much air. This makes the eggs rubbery." The video's claim actually goes against much of the prevailing scrambled egg wisdom out there, which says that air makes a fluffy, not a rubbery, scramble. Nonetheless, color us intrigued: it sounds like it might be time to bust out a blind tasting test at our next brunch get-together and settle this debate once and for all.


