The Devastating Death Of Tom Allen's Father Paul

Tom Allen from "The Great British Bake Off" has been passionate about comedy for a really long time. According to his official website, he began his career when he was just 22-years-old and worked on building his skillset in different parts of the globe. However, despite his many travels, Allen stayed close to his parents and actually lived with them well into his 30s (via The Guardian). He said, "I love being around my family." So adorable!


Unfortunately, Allen and his family members have just suffered a huge setback. According to a post shared on Instagram on December 1, Allen has just lost his beloved father to a heart attack. Along with a family photo of himself, his father, and his brother, Allen shared an emotional message. "I'm so sad to report that my wonderful dad has died," he wrote. "It was a total shock. He was with mum and he had a heart attack last night."

Tom Allen's father turned 80 earlier this year

According to his Instagram post, Tom Allen's dad was a really hard working man who didn't hesitate to step up and do his bit for his loved ones. In fact, he hustled hard to provide for his family. Allen wrote, "He said things like 'You can never run out of love' and 'Always go into everything with a good heart.' He was also inclined to write 'shove it' in a birthday card." He celebrated his 80th birthday with his loved ones this year.


Allen's fans really felt for the comedian. Even his peers from "The Great British Bake Off" reached out to him. Former winner Rahul Mandal left a comment on his post that read, "Sending love to you and your family." Meanwhile, another past contestant from the show, Ruby Bhogal said that she is deeply sorry to read about his loss. She added, "Sending you and your family love and prayers."

