Why Gordon Ramsay Gave Ed Sheeran A Cooking Lesson

Have you ever wanted private cooking lessons from Gordon Ramsay? If yes, you're not the only one. In fact, you have something in common with a certain red-headed singer from the United Kingdom.

Ed Sheeran recently shared that the celebrity chef came over to his house in 2019 to teach him and his wife how to make a beef Wellington and apple pie. "It was a posh apple pie and it was really nice," Sheeran explained on the radio, via The Sun. As the saying goes, "Teach him to fish and he'll eat for life" (Quora). A private cooking lesson with a Michelin chef seems like the perfect evening for any food-lover and guarantees you'll be eating Ramsay-level food for a while. At least if you're Sheeran and cooking beef Wellington, of course.


But how did this whole evening come to be? Is this a special Ramsay service just for the stars? Can you get a private lesson with the "Hell's Kitchen" host? Keep reading to find out exactly what brought these two together.

Gordon Ramsay was returning a favor to Ed Sheeran

According to The Sun, the evening between Ramsay and Sheeran came about after the men struck up regarding Ramsay's daughter, Tilly Ramsay. For her 18th birthday party in 2019, Ramsay called up Sheeran to see if he'd be interested in performing for the birthday girl and partygoers.


"What happened was he emailed me and said, 'What would the fee be?'" Sheeran recalled. "And I said, 'You know what? Why I don't trade your skill for my skill." In exchange for playing a five-song set at the James Bond-themed celebration, Ramsay came over and gave a private lesson to the Sheeran household. "He came around and taught me and my wife how to cook beef Wellington and apple tarte tatin," Sheeran said.

All in all, not a bad swap. If you're ever looking for a private concert from Sheeran or a private lesson with Ramsay, who knows? It may just be possible with the right bargain.

