Ted Allen Had A Hilarious Response To This Fortune Cookie Advice

Oftentimes, fortune cookies walk a fine line between foretelling the future and irritating people with unwarranted advice. It would appear that Food Network fixture Ted Allen was recently on the receiving end of said unsolicited advice, based on his tweet from the weekend. According to History, the fortune cookie was created in the late 1800s in shops around Kyoto, Japan, and started as a savory sesame and miso cracker with a message tucked inside. When Japanese immigrants began moving to the United States, they likely brought the wafer recipe along with them. Several companies now take credit for changing the original recipe of the fortune cookie to a buttery vanilla wafer and creating the machines that mass-produced the sweet treat in the U.S.


The flavor and production of fortune cookies aren't the only things that have changed about the after-dinner delight. According to The Week, Wonton Food of Brooklyn, New York, is the largest fortune cookie manufacturer in the U.S., but it once relied on only one main fortune writer. After years of cranking out more than 400 optimistic predictions a month, their fortune-teller got writer's block and said that "he couldn't meet America's constant demand for good news." The job was contracted out, but even today, most fortunes circulating in the country have been written by only a handful of people. So, that may give cookie eaters like Ted Allen a new perspective about their less than desirable fortunes.


Ted Allen's fortune cookie fortune was the "worst"

Ted Allen, the original food and wine specialist from Bravo's "Queer Eye," now wears many hats on food television, including being the host of the hit series "Chopped" (via Food Network). He has been a judge on Bravo's "Top Chef" and Food Network's "Iron Chef America" in addition to being a contributor to "The Best Thing I Ever Ate." Most recently, he's been busy judging the fortunes in his cookies.


Allen recently took to Twitter to post a picture of a fortune that read, "Vacation can wait. Stick to the project till the end." To that he said, "Worst fortune cookie 'fortune' in the history of the world. Eff you, fortune cookie." His followers can apparently sympathize, as one replied, "Mine are never even fortunes. They're like 'you're a pleasant person' or something inane." Another Twitter user has theories about the origins of Allen's fortune and replied, "This fortune brought to you by #capitalism." Just maybe, if Allen and other fortune cookie eaters pictured the overworked writer behind their lackluster fortunes, they'd seem just a tad bit funnier.

