The Important Job Paul McCartney Has For Holiday Meals

When you think of Paul McCartney, the first thing that comes to mind is likely not related to cooking — you probably know him from his time as one of the iconic members of The Beatles. But more recently, he's been working on a documentary as well as some biographical books containing lyrics and stories about the band (via NPR). Interestingly, a seasoning snafu actually inspired one of The Beatles' songs. 


McCartney's late wife Linda was well-known in the cooking world for her vegetarian cuisine, and his daughter, Mary McMcartney, has followed in her footsteps. And he's clearly improved his cooking and recently even announced the launch of a plant-based cookbook, inspired by his wife Linda's vegetarianism. McCartney also has a specific job when cooking for the holidays. So what does the family trust him with?

Chop, chop, Paul!

Paul McCartney's daughter recently connected with People magazine and gave readers a look at her latest holiday episode about meat-free meals and holiday traditions, including "sides like stir-fried Brussels sprouts, roast parsnips, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, and a plant-based protein for the main." She touched a bit upon the family dynamic as well, noting that her father usually works the cutting board. "Dad does the slicing. Traditionally he always sliced the roast, and then I get all the trimmings together and a really nice red onion gravy," she said.


The author and photographer shared she is in the process of perfecting a vegan Yorkshire pudding, about which Paul McCartney playfully joked, "Vegan Yorkshire pudding — what ever next!?" Other McCartney family holiday traditions include a game in which they "put the name of somebody on a post-it note and you stick it on your forehead, and you have to guess who you are." Celebs — they're just like us!

