12 Grocery Store Margarita Mixes, Ranked Worst To Best

It's always a good time to sip on a nice blend of tequila, orange liqueur, and lime juice, whether it be a night in with friends, some tipsy online shopping, or making it through a rough breakup while you listen to some Taylor Swift songs. (There's no shame in it. We've all been there.) But these days, with so many brand options available for ready-to-drink margaritas, it can be hard to decide just which bottling will get you through any occasion and which one you should leave sitting on the shelves to meet its expiration date. 


That is exactly why we at Mashed have ranked all the best and worst grocery store margarita mixes for you, so you can decide which one will be the perfect mix to fit into your busy schedule. Keep on reading and get ready to head to your favorite grocery store to pick out your own perfect margarita mix. 

12. Baja Bob's Margarita Mix

Although Baja Bob's Margarita Mix takes the spot as the worst in this ranking, that doesn't mean it is necessarily disgusting, but it's definitely not hitting the right spot for most. 

"Pretty good but not the best. This is a decent mix for a sugar-free alternative, but it isn't as good as Jose Cuervo Original Light. It has a bit more of a chemical taste which can be alleviated by adding plenty of lime, and I choose to add about a teaspoon of simple syrup," said one Walmart reviewer


Available in both cocktail mix packets and a bottle, Baja Bob's Margarita Mix is a sugar-free and low carb offering, according to the brand's official website, which is always a perk, but only if the flavoring makes up for it, and according to quite a few margarita fans, this one missed the mark in that aspect. 

"Worst tasting mix ever. I am very glad we decided to just make a very small batch because I would have been livid if we had to dump our Patron....which I almost did because that was the hardest to swallow drink I've ever had in my life," an Amazon reviewer stated. "It tastes like lime scented janitorial supplies. The aftertaste after swallowing is immediately migraine inducing. I just wanted to save some carbs but noooo thanks I'll just drink the tequila straight." Unfortunately, this margarita sounds like one you're going to want to pass on.


11. Powell & Mahoney Skinny Margarita

Maybe it's something about the sugar-free, low carb margaritas that is making buyers want to pass on them because it seems like the Powell & Mahoney Skinny Margarita isn't doing much better among margarita enjoyers than our previous number. With a few reviewers stating the bottling tastes like straight lime juice/lemonade, it's hard for many to get the beloved taste of a typical margarita out of this grocery store bottling. 


"I understand the point of skinny margarita is less sugar, but this mix tastes basically just like pure lime juice. To our taste, mixed with tequila it is so bitter/sour it is really undrinkable. To use up the bottle we'll need to figure out what to add to it to make it taste right," one reviewer told Total Wine. 

The bottling has only garnered itself 3.8 stars on its website, at the time of this article, and we think this one could use some better taste in its mix.

10. Barsmith Triple Citrus Margarita Mix

With only 3.4 out of 5 stars on the Target website, you have to wonder where this triple citrus bottling went wrong. Was the triple citrus flavoring just too much? Is it missing something? Reviewers on Total Wine seem to complain about a rubber taste engulfed in this bottling and we can agree we don't like the taste of tires. 


"This is a terrible mix. It has a rubber or chemical-like taste. It has a bad odor and a harsh aftertaste," stated one reviewer on the site. The taste just isn't something you'd want to come across during stressful holiday shenanigans and with another reviewer describing the taste as something similar to Pine-Sol and rubber cement mixed together, this is exactly why we're going to have to stick this bottling in the bottom three.

Hopefully, the flavoring gets an upgrade soon to win a better spot in any future margarita rankings.

9. Zing Zang Margarita Mix

Zing Zang Margarita Mix has a cool name, but unfortunately, the taste is just a solid okay. Garnering only 3.3 out of 5 stars on the Walmart franchise website, the margarita mix is available in both bottle and can, a fun aspect, but not enough to appeal to fans of the cocktail. 


"Has zero flavor if made into frozen margaritas. Drinkable if poured on the rocks, but there are far better other mixes out there," said one reviewer of the bottled version. 

Another reviewer noted the taste just doesn't fit right for a margarita, stating, "Very dissatisfied with this purchase. It doesn't taste sweet enough for a margarita- much more bland. I had family in town and they all noticed the difference too, when I made margaritas."

Although the flavoring isn't hitting the spot quite right for some, that doesn't mean that's the case for everybody. In fact, the canned version seems to be doing better among margarita drinkers, earning 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon. Not only that, this margarita mix is free of high fructose corn syrup, artificial dyes in both forms, according to its official website. The main thing many seem to find appealing is that it is created using all-natural ingredients, including lime, grapefruit, and blue agave nectar. This mix obviously has both perks and cons, so if you stumble across Zing Zang Margarita Mix on the shelves, make sure to keep an open mind. 


8. Jose Cuervo Classic Margarita Mix

Perhaps one of the more well-known brands on this list, many of us who have enjoyed a grocery store margarita-mix have grabbed a bottle of Jose Cuervo's Classic Margarita Mix at least once. In fact, this author personally remembers grabbing a bottle for a hotel party with a few close friends after turning the legal drinking age of 21. It was probably the first time I ever even sipped on a margarita. That's why I know, it's not quite one of the top brands out there for you to enjoy. Yes, while many may have similar memories, the low-cost bottling has received mixed reviews. 


Garnering 4.5 out of 5 stars on Influenster, many of the reviews on the site are positive, with one fan of the bottling, even stating, "I love this ready to drink margarita drink mix. It's perfect for any occasion. The taste is great. Just enough tequila. Add a lime to the side of your glass and salt your rim and you're good to go. You definitely have to be careful drinking this because it will sneak up on you. Lol. I will definitely buy this again... I definitely recommend."

Although loved by many, the bottling does still have some work to do with its flavoring, with many stating the drink has become rather watered down and lacks the strength they have enjoyed in the past. For that, we're going to have to give it the number eight spot. 


7. Master of Mixes Margarita Mix

Master of Mixes Margarita Mix is a low-cost bottling that can be found through grocery store retailers, such as Walmart, Meijer, and Fisher Foods. Not necessarily an all-natural bottling, Master of Mixes uses simple syrup, agave syrup, essential citrus oils, and Key lime juice to create the flavoring of its margarita mix, according to its official website. This could be why the drink is just a little too sweet for margarita mix fans. 


"It's really really sweet and we need to cut it down with bubble water. Other than that it isn't bad," stated an Amazon reviewer

Those with a sweet tooth may not mind the flavoring, but a few reviewers suggest the Master of Mixes Margarita Mix has had a change to its flavoring in the past few years, and stating they liked the original mix better. While we aren't completely sure if the change is true or not, as our research into this suggestion cannot find the answer, it is certain that the flavoring has received a high amount of mixed reviews, so we'll leave this bottling up to you and give it our number seven spot.

6. Lefty O'Doul's Authentic Key Lime Margarita Mix

Taking the spot right in the middle of our ranking is Lefty O'Doul's Authentic Key Lime Margarita Mix, a blending of cane sugar, oranges, and fresh lemon juice, according to BevMo!. This mixer leaves it up to you to add the tequila to make it into a real margarita and many love it, based on the reviews on the site. It's low priced, but it doesn't seem to be very well-known, even lacking an official website, so there isn't much we can say about this bottling, aside from the bottling is created with real limes and is all-natural with no high fructose corn syrup, something margarita lovers seem to really enjoy about the bottling.


"Real limes = great taste! I just poured a strong pour of Havana rum and mixed it up with this. it taste so good and covered the alcohol! I hate all the fake high fructose stuff out there and this doesn't have any," reviewed a bartender on the BevMo! site

The bottling can be found on the Walmart shelves, so we can only hope you'll be able to find and enjoy it easily. Without much information about it out there, the bottling is a bit of a mystery and thus keeping it out of a higher spot. 

5. Mr & Mrs T Skinny Margarita Mix

Finally, a low-calorie margarita mixer we can stick in our top five. This delicious bottling enhances any tequila you've got and makes it into a delicious margarita you won't see adding to the scale. Perhaps a little difficult to find, according to a reviewer on Amazon, the search is worth it for this one if you're looking for a tangy mixer. The bottling has received 4.4 out of 5 stars on the Food4Less site, earning itself quite a few positive reviews. 


"Nothing says the start of summer like a nice cold margarita right, so when I received this I didn't have great expectations, honestly I've tried several brands and just pretty much expected the same. Suprise, this stuff is actually really good, it tastes exactly like a regular full calorie margarita but only 10 calories without tequila, there is no aftertaste," praised reviewer Rilynne. 

We think this bottling is worth the try, but it isn't quite a number one bottling, as the flavoring is more subtle than other brands.

4. Chi-Chi's Original Margarita

Ah, Chi-Chi's Original Lime Margarita, how we wish we could give you a higher spot, but hey, at least you made it into our top four! Created with tequila and triple sec already in the bottle, this margarita mix is a grocery store staple. Created from the same brand that has allowed us to indulge in its Mexican food products, such as salsa, queso, tortilla chips, tortillas, and seasonings, this bottling pairs well with any taco night and can even be blended into a delicious frozen margarita. With more of a tangy and sour lime taste, the bottling may not appeal to everyone, but it definitely appeals to many. 


One reviewer on Drizly made sure to enjoy it both ways, stating, "Chi Chi pre mixed margaritas are fantastic. We had a box of small ones in plastic bottles. When they are empty we wash them & fill them with premixed margaritas & FREEZE them! Talk about treat!"

So, go ahead and pick up a few of the Chi-Chi's products and have a blast enjoying this tasty bottling.

3. Barsmith Hatch Chile Margarita Mix

Barsmith's Hatch Chile Margarita Mix is a fun bottling, offering a unique kick to your classic margarita. It has earned itself five five-star ratings on the Target website and is great for those who love anything spicy, combining the flavors of citrus and hatch chile. The bottling is created by grinding roasted hatch chiles into a puree, which is added into the rest of the mix, according to the Barsmith official website. By grabbing your favorite bottle of tequila and a bottle of the Hatch Chile Margarita Mix, you're allowing yourself to experience something different from the usual mix and that's why we've given it the number three spot. 


"I am a spicy food lover–I'm one to order double Thai hot at a Thai restaurant. This is my favorite margarita mix now. I won't buy anything else," shared a reviewer on Total Wine

One reviewer on the Barsmith site made sure to note that it isn't overly spicy, and just provides a light kick we can appreciate, so if you're looking for an extremely spicy product, this one is not it. But, if you're looking to enjoy something different from the norm, this product may be just right for you. 

2. Dr. Swami & Bone Daddy's Low Calorie Margarita Mix

A cool label, an award-winning flavor, and a low-calorie option, what more can you ask for? This bottling has earned itself 4.8 out of 5 stars on Total Wine and is a very tasty choice for those looking for a margarita mix that won't make you feel bad about yourself. While a little pricier than other options, this bottling makes up for the cost with its flavoring, which contains no artificial aspects, according to its official website


A small number of reviewers have complained the bottling is too citrusy, perhaps because it is created with real lime and lemon juice, as well as real sugar. The Dr. Swami & Bone Daddy's brand garnered itself gold in the 2017 Artisan Awards, 2018 Craft Competition, 2017-2019 Los Angeles International Spirits Competition, 2020 Consumers Choice Sip Awards, 2020 Bartenders Spirits Awards, and double-gold in the 2019 Sip Awards for its mixes, so we know the Low Calorie Margarita Mix is a mix worth trying.

1. Tres Agaves Organic Margarita Mix

Through all of our research, there was one bottling name we could not escape. Many compared previous bottlings to this decadent mix, and there's a reason why. It's the number one margarita mix. Completely organic, the bottling is made from lime and agave, hence the name, and has garnered a lot of popularity among margarita drinkers. Although the tequila doesn't come already in the mix, Tres Agaves Organic Margarita Mix has become a beloved bottling, even winning gold in the Beverage Tasting Institute's 90-point Award for Excellence, according to Target


"I love to make margaritas for the family and we consistently hate all mixes we have tried. A lot of times we don't like ordering margaritas at restaurants because some use a mix and we have the artificial taste. Well – my prayers have been answered because this mix does NOT have that artificial taste at ALL. It really does taste great. It's not too sweet, just how I like it," raved one Target reviewer

We have to agree this bottling is worth the cost and provides a refreshing taste for you to enjoy. Cheers!

